INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Thanks for reminding me that I have a bunch of riced cauliflower in the freezer (I put it up last time it was in season). I need to pull some out...

Yeah, me, too. It's such a relief not to have that weird wing flapping at me... :oops:
He LOVES being scratched under the chin (he's getting a cute little beard) and he just fell asleep in my arms for a little nap just now. He's earned a NAME!!!! Goodwin. (After the Goodwin Creek variety of lavender). 

Well, I didn't get much done today - but I think I was tired, and also it was rainy all day and a lot of what I needed to do was outside and not easily done in the rain. But I did get a little house cleaning done (a little) in between naps, and someone came to pick up the Coop of Sadness, so that's one less thing cluttering up my yard. The EHAL crew are only 6.5 weeks old, but I'm already really needing to separate the boys and girls, as some of the boys are a little faster maturing and are both crowing and bugging the girls. (6.5 weeks!!!:barnie ). Then construction needs to start on the new coop for them. It never ends... :th

- Ant Farm

That's incredibly fast on the roosters. Maybe hens will lay early as well

And you're right it never ends. :lau

Good day here lots done
My DuckBurds put themselves to bed now! I came to close them up and they all made lil happyburd sweetling noises and said goodnight. Did I ever say I love my flippywebberz? A lot??? :love
My DuckBurds put themselves to bed now! I came to close them up and they all made lil happyburd sweetling noises and said goodnight. Did I ever say I love my flippywebberz? A lot???
Awwww. How cute
Okay, y'all, here we go

12 eggs, day 7, 1st candling

3-4 have air cells pretty much where they should be
In the rest, the AC's take up half the egg

I'm guessing the humidity being all over the map for several days is the culprit.
I've been trying to keep it around 35%, but it's been 40% or more, even up to 50% for extended periods more than once

I can't find in the notes how to correct the problem, but I'm thinking I need to run way below normal RH & see if they straighten out.
That sound right, or am I bass-akwards?

Didn't want to leave the lid off any longer, but I can get a couple pics, maybe, if the description above isn't enough.
Okay, y'all, here we go

12 eggs, day 7, 1st candling

3-4 have air cells pretty much where they should be
In the rest, the AC's take up half the egg

I'm guessing the humidity being all over the map for several days is the culprit.
I've been trying to keep it around 35%, but it's been 40% or more, even up to 50% for extended periods more than once

I can't find in the notes how to correct the problem, but I'm thinking I need to run way below normal RH & see if they straighten out.
That sound right, or am I bass-akwards?

Didn't want to leave the lid off any longer, but I can get a couple pics, maybe, if the description above isn't enough.

Could the other eggs be scrambled.... Where did you get the eggs, my whites...
Okay, y'all, here we go

12 eggs, day 7, 1st candling

3-4 have air cells pretty much where they should be
In the rest, the AC's take up half the egg

I'm guessing the humidity being all over the map for several days is the culprit.
I've been trying to keep it around 35%, but it's been 40% or more, even up to 50% for extended periods more than once

I can't find in the notes how to correct the problem, but I'm thinking I need to run way below normal RH & see if they straighten out.
That sound right, or am I bass-akwards?

Didn't want to leave the lid off any longer, but I can get a couple pics, maybe, if the description above isn't enough.

Half the egg?? Humidity should be higher, not lower!

You probably did, but just in case... Is your hygrometer calibrated?
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