INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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It's possible there was an old egg in there that broke, but so many were broken and really mushed up, they soaked the cardboard and were really just starting to smell bad. Bad to the untrained nose, not bad by my standards of rotten eggs! And these eggs were in the mail since Friday.

You took care of the guilt, so here's a

So here are the pics! I can't blame the PO too much on this one. The eggs were not packed properly at all. She just didn't know how and sent them off before I knew it!
Unbelievably, there are 4 that are not broken. Out of a dozen...I think. Most were not just sitting there broken, but were smashed as if you stomped on them with your foot. Yolks and whites not discernible, looked like they were whisked! The 4 that are not broken, one has a traveling air cell, one has an extreme saddle cell and the other two, I can't tell where the air cell is, so maybe scrambled..... I had to wash them, used hot water and tektrol. They are setting upright in the bator... I will give any sign of life a chance I guess... My weakness..

Oh my word.
I'm so sorry!

@Sally Sunshine


The six Bantam EE eggs set under Jordan, my first time broody, are all veining nicely
I candled all six in less than 20 seconds, just took a peek. I saw three moving!

That is fantastic!
Thanks. It's possible there was an old egg in there that broke, but so many were broken and really mushed up, they soaked the cardboard and were really just starting to smell bad. Bad to the untrained nose, not bad by my standards of rotten eggs! And these eggs were in the mail since Friday. You took care of the guilt, so here's a :hugs So here are the pics! I can't blame the PO too much on this one. The eggs were not packed properly at all. She just didn't know how and sent them off before I knew it! Unbelievably, there are 4 that are not broken. Out of a dozen...I think. Most were not just sitting there broken, but were smashed as if you stomped on them with your foot. Yolks and whites not discernible, looked like they were whisked! The 4 that are not broken, one has a traveling air cell, one has an extreme saddle cell and the other two, I can't tell where the air cell is, so maybe scrambled..... I had to wash them, used hot water and tektrol. They are setting upright in the bator... I will give any sign of life a chance I guess... My weakness..
So sorry. Hopefully that seller just made a mistake and will own up to it and learn how to properly package eggs
It's possible there was an old egg in there that broke, but so many were broken and really mushed up, they soaked the cardboard and were really just starting to smell bad. Bad to the untrained nose, not bad by my standards of rotten eggs! And these eggs were in the mail since Friday.

You took care of the guilt, so here's a

So here are the pics! I can't blame the PO too much on this one. The eggs were not packed properly at all. She just didn't know how and sent them off before I knew it!
Unbelievably, there are 4 that are not broken. Out of a dozen...I think. Most were not just sitting there broken, but were smashed as if you stomped on them with your foot. Yolks and whites not discernible, looked like they were whisked! The 4 that are not broken, one has a traveling air cell, one has an extreme saddle cell and the other two, I can't tell where the air cell is, so maybe scrambled..... I had to wash them, used hot water and tektrol. They are setting upright in the bator... I will give any sign of life a chance I guess... My weakness..

TJ: can you file an insurance claim, or can you have the sender send you a free replacement shipment, since the first batch were obviously packed wrong?
Just found this thread! I'm in the second week of my first incubation attempt! I have 40 eggs, 3 Swedish Isbars and 5 Cream Legbars, 2 RIR/EE eggs, a few RIR/Golden Comet eggs and the rest are RIR/Black Sex Links. The pure breed eggs are ones I ordered from a breeder off of Ebay. They claimed an above 90% success rate but when I candled my eggs on day 8 none of the ones I ordered were developing. I truly don't believe it's user error or an incubation newbie mishap, because all of the other eggs (32) are developing and have VERY visible veins at this point. A friend that raises chickens suggested I leave them in the incubator since they are tinted blue and green eggs and maybe I just couldn't see the veins. If anyone has incubated Swedish Isbar or Cream Legbar eggs and has any insight on what the issue could be I would greatly appreciate it! Are their eggs perhaps more sensitive to temperature or humidity than other breeds?? My fear is that I wasted my money on a sham and that they weren't even fertile to begin with!
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