INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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oh no! chick withdrawl!!! must set eggs!!!! I am doing ok!

have to run to renew my PA license for concealed weapon today and husband has a doc appoint for a bad hernia. perhaps I get lunch out of the deal.
Glad to hear you are ok! In Indiana, we have a lifetime permit, but they will revoke it if you get in trouble (violent crimes and felonies). Hope the doctors appointment goes well for him
Time for me to run off again though.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
one of the older sons came yesterday, took two trees down for me

but the littles were home to help with clean up!

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I am off to wash scovy eggs and then take a shower and get ready!! Have a great day yall

[COLOR=800080]My son wanted hedgehogs badly for his birthday (which are illegal here too) But I did some searching and found him a pair. They are very expensive now (which when I worked in pet stores years ago they were about $50 each). But they were a complete waste of $$. They are strictly nocturnal, so you will never ever see them up running around unless you sit awake in the dark to watch. They keep the boys up at night from running on the wheel and banging the water bottle.They are as prickly as you'd imagine, so nearly impossible to hold, and when you do hold them you wear gloves or brace yourself for the pricks. My son even admitted it was a waste. So, I wouldn't be too sad that you can't get one. Ferrets are pretty cool though![/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]I know, right?????[/COLOR]:th

[COLOR=800080]Love it! My 2 oldest would treat me like crap every day I'd pick them up from the bus stop a mile away. The last time was so bad, and I mean bad...they get in I'm all smiles (How was your day) Nasty replies from both...So, I said, you're done ruining my afternoons with your bad attitude. Tomorrow I won't be picking you up from the bus stop, you can walk. And they did......they have been very respectful when I pick them up since that day.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]HaHa...Badddd habit of mine. Especially Facebooking while drinking. Fun, but not in my best interest:gig [/COLOR]

:thumbsup [COLOR=800080]Like this one, I haven't seen it yet. Morning Sunshine:frow [/COLOR]

I used to have a hedgie, his name was Sonic (real original, huh?). He was a great pet! He'd wake up and crawl all over me when I'd bring him out of his cage, even in the day. And he loved having his soft little tummy pet :love No gloves required, though he'd always curl up in a ball when I'd reach in the cage for him. Sounds like your pair wasn't handled enough (they are noisy little buggers at night though).

:frow Morning folks!
Quote: My son wanted hedgehogs badly for his birthday (which are illegal here too) But I did some searching and found him a pair. They are very expensive now (which when I worked in pet stores years ago they were about $50 each). But they were a complete waste of $$. They are strictly nocturnal, so you will never ever see them up running around unless you sit awake in the dark to watch. They keep the boys up at night from running on the wheel and banging the water bottle.They are as prickly as you'd imagine, so nearly impossible to hold, and when you do hold them you wear gloves or brace yourself for the pricks. My son even admitted it was a waste. So, I wouldn't be too sad that you can't get one. Ferrets are pretty cool though!

Good Morning my friend!!!
I didnt know they are illegal here? hedgehogs? they are cute my dogs would find them a bit too tasty though ughhhh
Yep, Pa DNR refuses to give up on it. We are the only state that they are illegal in that survivability is 100% impossible over the winter. They have raided private breeders and private homes consisting of just a pet or 2 and they euthanize in every case. There are groups started and bills introduced to repeal the law based on its senseless nature.
I am off to wash scovy eggs and then take a shower and get ready!! Have a great day yall :frow
my,muscovy is fixing to lay an egg.I hope the drake has breed with her in the four days I have had him.I never seen we will see.and my broody is broody and setting on no eggs.
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