INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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@Sally Sunshine Day 8 update. Weighed and removed clears and apparently had a temperature spike on my bators as I removed 12 with blood rings.
Down to 29 eggs.
what do you think happened with the bloods?

Oh how cute!!!!

Good Equinox morninig to you all! EYS and DBC!
Happy Spring,,,,, its cold here! lol

Our first hatch has begun. One last night didnt make it. We have another one out of its shell and a few more trying to peck out. Lets hope the rest make it. I have a video, but not sure how to pist it on here.

Welcome @jjohnson83 Temps are very important you should get other thermo hygros and calibrate them,
See here temps and humidity sections too!

Some of my 5-6 week olds. If they were a musical group I think I'd name them "Funky chicks with attitude".
awwwwwww so cute I took some of the silkies we hatched around the same time too!!! will post them when I get a chance!!!

Little giant from TS. Hatching americuna eggs from my hens. No turner, we have been turning 1 or 2 times a day. Its a still air incubator. No calubrating has been done, using it as it came out if the box. Started with a clutch of 12. Not sure if they were all fertile or not, but as it sits 5 are starting pip out of the shell.
see above

I jut locked down 13 silkie/sizzle/frilkies and 6 cream legbar from papa brooders. I took out 3 white eggs from the silkie batch, they were clears. The legbar were harder to see in, so I left them all in. 3 look really good, 3 are questionable. I moved some salmon favorelles and silkies I had been hand turning in the incuview, into the empty lg spots. I'm hatching in the incuview. I hope I have my issues figured out and these hatch!!
COME ON BABIES!!!! Good Luck Kathy!!

So far, wounded chick is doing ok. Wouldn't know she was injured from her actions. Given fish mix once today. Giving again at dark. I love her, and most of my chickens are livestock not pets.

Hope she makes it. Getting 5 Dom pullets, 3 white leghorn pullets, 3 EE pullets, and 4-6(depending on the hatch) of blue and splash amerecuanas straight run, all in the next two weeks! Oh and I'm on day 14 on my bator lol!!

Quote: OMG my dogs would have killed them in a few seconds!!! But dont they look innocent?????

Quote: You better be able to quote the entire thing!!! cause it aint working yet!!!
what do you think happened with the bloods?

Oh how cute!!!!

Happy Spring,,,,, its cold here! lol

Welcome @jjohnson83 Temps are very important you should get other thermo hygros and calibrate them,
See here temps and humidity sections too!

awwwwwww so cute I took some of the silkies we hatched around the same time too!!! will post them when I get a chance!!!

see above

COME ON BABIES!!!! Good Luck Kathy!!


OMG my dogs would have killed them in a few seconds!!! But dont they look innocent?????

You better be able to quote the entire thing!!! cause it aint working yet!!!
Didja see the tag I sent your way??

I can't quote it, but I can copy and paste.... i did a little switching back and forth between desktop and mobile mode to get it over....
The cat gets them back though....she'll wait till they ate all bunched up then run at then till they scatter....she'll do that about three times in a row...then she needs a nap.....she's 16...

That would make a good video.

We inherited an older cat from the former owner of this place that we renamed Garfield. If he ever caught a mouse he'd play with it until they both got tired. The mouse would play dead and the cat would leave. Mouse would get up and leave none the worse for the wear. Was quite the show really
Ok, just candled again, I removed 4 clears. Still can't make out and veins or movement. Anyone know any quality Polish breeders, might have a wash.
Hey,all well I'm bummed out
What up CH?

I have a chick zipping under the broody!

my Muscovy is about 9 days in the lane and she only has 6 eggs and she didn't lay one today.
I dont understand this?

Help!!! This is my first time incubating, got one of the lil giant incubators from tractor supply, I've got the temp at 99.5 but I can't get the humidity below 49%, started the incubation on 3-18-16, I'm not even sure if I'm posting on the right spot
Do you have a dehumidifier in your home? is it raining outside? are you cooking water on the stove or a lot of sh

Quote: lower to 20-23 and candle in two days! you got this!! plenty of time! @lozerface79 are you getting my tags?

I had it to 30% till I put the eggs in, don't have any water in it.
see above @bill munny


I got my first olive egg today!!!!!! And it's a beauty! Here the mama responsible for it:

Here's her egg:

Quote: Whites are you feeling ok? whats wrong?
What up CH?


I dont understand this?

Do you have a dehumidifier in your home? is it raining outside? are you cooking water on the stove or a lot of sh

lower to 20-23 and candle in two days! you got this!! plenty of time! @lozerface79 are you getting my tags?

see above @bill munny


Whites are you feeling ok? whats wrong?
I'm fine
What up CH?


I dont understand this?

Do you have a dehumidifier in your home?  is it raining outside?  are you cooking water on the stove or a lot of sh

lower to 20-23 and candle in two days!  you got this!! plenty of time! @lozerface79
  are you getting my tags?

see above @bill munny


Whites are you feeling ok?  whats wrong?

2 days would be dat 19, its okay to candle that day? Sorry if i seem like im questioning your judgement, just very nervous.
What up CH?


I dont understand this?

Do you have a dehumidifier in your home?  is it raining outside?  are you cooking water on the stove or a lot of sh

lower to 20-23 and candle in two days!  you got this!! plenty of time! @lozerface79
  are you getting my tags?

see above @bill munny


Whites are you feeling ok?  whats wrong?
pm me
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