INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Would a 30 minute vinegar soak hurt an egg before it goes into the bator?
I have no idea.

Lol ahhhhh!!!!!! Yes some people we known didn't want their border collie anymore - they told us she was sterile and had run with male dogs for 6 years...never been bred. So we took her and gave her to my mother in law - she already had a blue lacy but he needed a pal because someone stole my MIL's other dog awhile back.

Several months later..."Wow...looking mighty fat...aka pregnant!)" I sent pictures of the puppies to the people that gave us the border collie and the wife says "omg!!!? Are those HER puppies???!!!" I said "YUP!" And she said "I'm SO sorry....we really didn't think she could have puppies!"

Wow so much for sterile!!
Look like that is what happened. Looks like he got stuck between the thermometer and the bottom of the incubator and could not flip itself up. I have one more viable left in the incubator. Hope it hatches ok.

And now the power went out. Not a good hatch week for me. Moved the incubator with the pipped chick into the room with a UPS and now it stopped moving. Oye!!!!!
Would a 30 minute vinegar soak hurt an egg before it goes into the bator?

I can't help but wonder why? I can tell you that an egg put in vinegar will have its shell dissolve and, in time, the shell is completely gone. 30 minutes-I am not sure if that would effect the embryo. As a cleaner/disinfectant?
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