INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Just got my incubator in :D I can't wait to start hatching some eggs :) I'm going to a show next weekend and can hopefully pick some up!!
Have you hatched before? If not try your eggs or inexpensive ones. Welcome :frow
Great note section on the first page of this thread if you have not seen it. Good luck
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The racional of restricting O2 in the first dayes is to expend the angiogenesis ( the formation of blood vesicles) and the number of red blood cells due to the shortage of oxygen supply. This extra blood vesicles will help the embrio to extract more O2 ( and more important get reed faster of the Co2!)in the later stage while its metabolic rate incrises, and this is exactly whay you should increase the O2 supply. To give it a bether chance to develope and get the enregy it needs in the most intensive stage of its development.
Thanks for explaining this. I'd read the recommendation for restriction of O2 during days 1 to10, but... it did not seem like a logical idea. Your explanation moves it from the "sounds crazy, even though studies show it works" to the... "it makes sense that this would work" category. However... it still flies in the face of sensible to me. Since they are using hyperbaric or increased O2 chambers to promote wound healing, this theory seems to work for just the opposite reason. However I realize I'm comparing apples to oranges with this line of reasoning. Ok, done rambling now. Return to regularly scheduled programming.
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Congrats. What kind did you buy?

It's one of the farm innovators pro series ones with the fan and egg turner.

Have you hatched before? If not try your eggs or inexpensive ones. Welcome :frow
Great note section on the first page of this thread if you have not seen it. Good luck

A few years ago I almost got three to hatching with a $20 one but that's most of my experience with incubators. I've had probably close to 70 hatch with hens lol. I'm probably going to try some of mine and if I get any eggs at the show I'm splitting them with some friends so they shouldn't be that expensive.
It's one of the farm innovators pro series ones with the fan and egg turner.
A few years ago I almost got three to hatching with a $20 one but that's most of my experience with incubators. I've had probably close to 70 hatch with hens lol. I'm probably going to try some of mine and if I get any eggs at the show I'm splitting them with some friends so they shouldn't be that expensive.
Congrats again. If you've got questions there's people here who have answers.
Hi guys.
This might seem like a ridiculous question (but has been over 20years since I had ducks) do people vaccinate ducks sometimes?
I have no idea,but hopefully someone does. I just did not want you to feel ignored ;)

Ducks like other poultry can get exposed to pathogens so I don't see any reason not to vacinate them if you think you realy need to.

There are a few "duck" diseases that people vaccinate for... Duck plague, duck hepatitis, and maybe more. They are not vaccinated for Marek's or coccidiosis.


Marek's is species specific (to chickens)
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Well, I am not as entertaining, and I'm mobile so I can't remember all the hatchers, but...
Jessimom and Sally have had great hatches, though Sally lost a goosling.
Mrleeroy and ch got and set shipped eggs, someone set almost 400 eggs, and Ur received and is setting his long awaited HRIR.
Motorcyclechick lets Duckling play with ducklings in a pot on the stove.
littlelakePhil has found a creek with steelhead, but can't go fish till Friday. He also continues to worry about his wife that fell and hit her head but won't go to the doctor.
Penbmaster has had some resolution at work but is still watching out for knives.
There is lots of nail biting as people wait on hatches from eggs that either had temperature spikes or cooling due to being unplugged.
Several of our members received Badges, and Kathy got upgraded to platinum poultry yea!
Motorcyclechick has asked for prayers or thoughts during a difficult time. Chickencanoe MLM Mike and others continue to offer good advice and links.
Fire370 finished awesome dog kennels!
Several discussions on egg turners, and different ways to deal with humidity in the incubators
Sally, motorcyclechick and others continue to deal with weather affecting their internet.
Kwhites634 continues to struggle with mechanical issues and offer commentaries while waiting for the weather to let him take his new coop outside..
NaJaLeHa went for a first check on their third child and the ultrasound revealed that it is actually three and four :yesss:
Well since that is all off the top of my Limited sleep-deprived brain if I forgot you please don't be offended especially you newbies to the thread.

Entertaining enough for me.

1 correction though @NaJoBeLe is expecting twins not @NaJaLeHa close, but I don't want someone else thinking they have twins coming that they don't know about.
Marek's is species specific (to chickens)

Thanks for pointing that out! Hope I never see it first hand
That is hilarious!! Did the Penedesenca's ever get used to her and accept her as a member of their flock? Or, did they continue to attack?

None of mine know how to go back. They jump out, then pace back and forth near the door, waiting for someone to let them in. We keep a water tray close to the fence, so they have access to water if it takes us too long to let them back in.

She was never in there long enough to be accepted. She'd just fly in and fly out.
I've ended up putting gates all along my outer fences just for that purpose.
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