INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Didn't know that about coccidia having an effect on egg laying...
I can't remember all the reproductive anatomy (can't look it up now, taking a break from mowing to tend the chick, trying to beat the rain) - but I think it's the cecal type... Can't remember where I read it, though, so can't vouch for source.

Quote: This is very helpful - and that makes a lot of sense. I will do this, then. That's ~2cc for this chick - that sounds a lot more doable. (I wonder if the difference is that the instructions aren't for galliforms... I don't know enough about differential avian crop anatomy.

Umm. I just found out my brother in law is dead. He had the flu.

I'm so sorry, MC.

- Ant Farm
@casportpony - Feeding done - got 1.5ml into him. Went ok. Chick is still hanging on. But belly and butt are boggy and purple. I don't have a good feeling about this. We'll see - I've done what I can. Thank you so much, Kathy, for all of your input and advice. Even if he doesn't make it, I've learned and gained experience with this.

Very odd though - the legs ABSOLUTELY do not work. Like paralyzed. Feet are curled, no reflex or movement, when he tries to move around, it is on hocks and wings. That's what's so weird here (at least to me).

OK, gotta go see if I can finish mowing...

- Ant Farm

His winter stomach. Ha ha! He always gained weight around New Year. So weird. If only someone had taken him seriously! He kept saying that he was very sick.

His winter stomach. Ha ha! He always gained weight around New Year. So weird. If only someone had taken him seriously! He kept saying that he was very sick.

MC the Influenza virus don't atack the stomac, it mainly affect the respiratory system and muscles, cousing hige temp, and some joints and muscles pain, and some respiratory problems.
I think that he had somthing completely ells!
He was a young man!
May God rest his soul in peac!
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Someone gave me two dozen duck eggs today (I don't know who they are or what breed they are) I looked and they are fertile. I was hoping to pick up some hatching eggs next Sunday and start them in my incubator. Would it hurt to start the ducks today and the chickens next Sunday? Also is anyone experienced enough with ducks to guess the breed from the eggs? I'm probably going to give some of the eggs to one of my broodies today or tomorrow.
MC the Influenza virus don't atack the stomac, it mainly affect the respiratory system and muscles, cousing hige temp, and some joints and muscles pain, and some respiratory problems.
I think that he had somthing completely ells!
He was a young man!
May God rest his soul in peac!
X2 I'm so sorry to hear this. Praying for you and the family.
Me neither! His sons are 13 and 10, and his daughter is nine. I think Brian was 49.

Aren't you the one that was saying the flu isn't the tummy ache we think it is?
Sorry about your BIL. Flu sounds benign but so many people die from it every year.
I know when I've had severe bouts, I felt like dying.

I just came from Lowe's and I wish I had my camera. They had tomato plants. They were large but they were $15 ea.. How does one get $15 of tomatoes off of a single plant?
I thought $4 was high for single plants.
Don't people know what seeds are?
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