INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I am hoping someone can help me. Does anyone know what causes a chicken to lay an egg that has no shell? It has just the membrane part. Am I doing something wrong? I hope someone can help me as I am worried I am not giving them something in their diet. Thanks so much!
I am hoping someone can help me. Does anyone know what causes a chicken to lay an egg that has no shell? It has just the membrane part. Am I doing something wrong? I hope someone can help me as I am worried I am not giving them something in their diet. Thanks so much!
Soft shelled eggs are fairly common in first time layers.
This pony has not been ridden regularly in at least a year due to his lameness; they did a video of him lunging but he would not repeat the issue; he only does it with a rider on his back. The vet was there to do a field surgery on the pony right after the video. I guess if I had fully understood maybe I would have said no; but hindsight's 20/20 as they say. My daughter rode this pony a few times when she was 7 and he was very calm, so I guess I didn't anticipate a problem.

Thanks. I asked her instructor about her riding her original pony, and I think she has reservations because she has never had a horse with this issue. However, he is very calm and doing pretty good with his lack of the eye. My daughter body clipped him and he never moved once; just relaxed and let her love on him etc. He is pretty bonded with her too.

You are fine. I understand. Her instructor would not intentionally put her in harm's way, it really was totally crazy as he's usually very calm. However, I agree that someone else should have done the video given that he hasn't been ridden in so long.
yep, could thrown a saddle on it with a bag of grain lol
I hope your daughter can spend lots of time with her 1 eyed pony, maybe you could even bring it home for her, or 'adopt' it for her but leave it there- so she has her own to dote on

I am hoping someone can help me. Does anyone know what causes a chicken to lay an egg that has no shell? It has just the membrane part. Am I doing something wrong? I hope someone can help me as I am worried I am not giving them something in their diet. Thanks so much!
it happens, what age? i would try to add some calcium to its diet like oyster shells
Why is it so much better?

Well made carafe, the reservoir is filled away from the coffee grounds (no accidentally pouring water on grounds the night before), still has single serve option, better timer, nice look, has the "bold" option.
I needed a new Keurig, but there are too many downsides to them anymore. My coffee pot was trash too. Westley was $75.

Ants in my coop. :rant


So do both of me.


Can I ask the folks with HORSE experience a question?   My daughter has been riding since she was 5 (she's 9 now).  Her pony that she has ridden for the last 3 years lost his eye this summer and she had to switch to a new pony.  She's done great adjusting to him even though he is a very jumpy horse and her other pony was very laid back.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago her riding instructor asked her to ride another pony for a video for the veterinarian to pin point a problem he was having with his hind leg.  While she was on him he freaked out for no reason and started bucking and threw her.  Knocked the wind out of her and bruised her back, cut her elbows and palms up too.  Her worst fall to date.  She got back on the pony she's been riding the next week and had a total meltdown, crying, panicking... she's so scared now (he isn't even the one that threw her).  Anyway, she told me today that she thinks she wants to take a break.  Advice?   Should I let her take a break or should I push her to keep riding and overcome her fear?  I KNOW she loves it!   (I have no horse experience and am scared of them personally, but I have never let my fear stop her from riding.) 

If you never fall, it's because you never ride. It sounds like taking time off will be OK in this situation. While it's true that she should not have been put on the horse, it also says that her instructor thinks she is good. Be sure to remind her of that.

No way!!! Some of my chicks have the start of wing feathers already!!! :hit

So you have a bunch of girls then. :celebrate
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If you never fall, it's because you never ride. It sounds like taking time off will be OK in this situation. While it's true that she should not have been put on the horse, it also says that her instructor thinks she is good. Be sure to remind her of that.

Very true. Her instructor told me she wouldn't put another rider on the pony for the video; she said she knew she could handle him. It really was a freak thing. There was nothing to even spook him - we watched the video over and over again to see what happened. He just freaked out. Maybe it was pain? They did his field surgery (to cut a ligament in the hind leg) as soon as they caught him after his crazy bucking. Thanks for your input!
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