INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hi Dennis, whats up? Since I sold most of the flock off, i have tons of people asking for Legbars and Sapphires, what is your web address so that I can forward it. I must have deleted our old message with that info! @dheltzel


Might be MIA for a while; possibly into tomorrow. Had to take DW to the ER a bit ago; she thinks it's an anxiety attack...idk from nuthin'. I had to come back to lock the birds up; going back now to see what's up with her. BBASAP
oh no!! sorry whites, hope she is better now!
Morning Sally. Last night he got spanked by daddy (the horror!) and sent to his room. Then he got talked to and explained himself (I would have done it the other way around but daddy got to him first). We talked about expectations for behavior. So here we go.

He was extra sweet when I got home after supper. So... Not sure all that happened while I was gone.
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