INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Is there a good thread on ways to store eggs?
Does anyone remember how long you dip eggs in boiling water (?seconds) so you can leave them out for a couple of months? I know remember reading about it years ago in some missionary journals.
@Akrnaf2You are good at research, do you know?

Never heard of the boiling water method. We just collect our eggs and put them in a basket until we can use them. We just don't wash them.
RECAP 9/12

It is definitely Monday, sometime even four cups aint enuf, camping is a plant hoarder, Walkmans are incredibly expensive, Honora and Chicken5555 have pips, Phil has an injured duck, If the glass is always half full then the glass is twice as big as it needs to be, Mike says we're all missing the point and that glasses can be refilled, MC disagrees and says the half empty part is to protect new white carpets, and Benny says the glass is full but it is air it is full of, everything is found on Amazon, (even 50 pound blue cats?) white carpets are about as smart of an idea as a screen door on a submarine, Benny doesn't eat dog, Mike ignores ice, MC wants to put dried crew members in her food, fried spam has a limited fan group, Liz loves salad, spam is either short for something posing as meat, salt preserved ham, or shoulder of pork and ham, camping eats turkey and cheese on croissants, cottage cheese and peaches is enjoyed by some crazies, Benny brakes broodies, Sir Ur has returned and loves hearing from his favourite science teacher, Liz's hubby is ignoring eggs, whites won't never catch up, Sally had way too much spam and potatoes in her life, mayber thats why she needs so much medical attention, owls are fowl, bigger is better, Bubbles can read minds, Heather is a showoff, popcorn is popular, complainers get a free smack, there is a difference between ditch ducks & gutter ducks, no hotdogs fer barn cats, coke n peanuts is a "thing," carp is best smoked, droppers get the choppers, jess gots duckkies, digging up mountains is hard, Bubbles is hard on shovels, Sally has a bumper crop of weeds, Bubbles loves zucchini muffins, peanuts and orange tru-aid isn't reccommended, whites needs spellig lessons, a 12" x 12" x 3" rock weighs 2,000 pounds, Bubbles' motto is "it hasn't killed me yet," whites backside is dragging his tracks shut, and not all brown smudges are chocolate.

Night peeps.... Phil, hope the duck recovers!!
that's an awesome recap.

The bird that got it the worst last night from the dogs figured out how to use her wings to stand up today. She seems to be full of spunk and hopefully she will recover. The other three hurt Birds seem to be getting along just fine. I cleaned all of their wounds they all seem to be doing good
crossing fingers for you, and her. She looks like she's in fairly good spirits.
My daughter goes to a private school, but I would love if I could stay home and homeschool her. Jealous of those of you who are able to homeschool.
Well y'all this is the only one left alive
My daughter goes to a private school, but I would love if I could stay home and homeschool her. Jealous of those of you who are able to homeschool.
How is your daughter feeling now? Any better?

And if we had a good private school here, I'd probably consider it. We have catholic schools but since we aren't catholic, we'd pay a lot more to send our kids there. We live in a non-English speaking area, and I'm not bilingual... my husbands teaching the kids Spanish, but I have struggled to learn a second language.

I know more sign language, than I do Spanish. LOL

Good schools are hard to come by, and I'm not a huge fan of organized testing, where they teach kids to pass tests, but not necessarily apply it, the over abundance of homework (studies are showing that homework doesn't make kids smarter, but does impact family and social lives, many schools are finally doing away with it now...) I'm not a fan of "no child left behind" either - simply because I see kids get pushed through, who need more help than they are given, just to make it look better on paper.

Too many kids per teacher, teachers are underfunded, understaffed, and they can't meet everyone's needs in a classroom. While public schools have many benefits, they miss a lot of bullying because of class sizes, and there's not as much supervision per ratio as kids, making it so things get missed.

When my son was in a smaller district, 1 class per grade, they had the opposite problem of big schools, they had like 0 funding for any special needs programs, education, they'd have had to fly an occupational therapist in from a big city, in order to get 1x a month services... it just wasn't realistic.

Yikes. I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, sorry. ;o

pre-coffee. I should get some coffee.
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