Incubation and rotten egg question


Apr 21, 2022
Good afternoon my good people!

My name is Don, and I am in Indiana. I am new to your forum. I have a hen, and am full of questions... as you can imagine. Here it goes!

So... I have a hen who laid eggs. I was not sure if the eggs were fertile or not, as this is her first year laying, and males are around.

Anyway, so it has been over 28 days, and eggs are... eh... rotting... cracking and leaking out in her coop while she is sitting on the eggs.

NOW... she is down to 3 eggs, and I bought some KNOWN fertile eggs from a friend of mine, which should be given to me tomorrow.

My question is... after getting rid of the nasty eggs, and removing the straw from her coop, (which I have already done...) do you guys think I should clean up the bird... just in case some of the nasty egg got on her, before giving her the new eggs? And, if so, can you recommend something to clean her with?

I'll give you guys this, and see what you think. I may have further questions, so I hope you guys are open!

I appreciate all of your time!

She would be sitting way too long to be good for her health
I appreciate your reply!

Well, in that case... I may have a tiny problem. So... I already bought those fertile eggs, and they are going to be here tomorrow. :hmm

I do make her get up and walk around the pond 3 times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

What are your thoughts on these eggs that I have bought... and... how exactly I should proceed?

I certainly appreciate your time,

You do have a few options so what you do will depend on what you have to work with or are willing to do.
You could buy an incubator and hatch them.
You could give the eggs away to someone who has an incubator or a broody hen and have them hatch them for you.
Or you could just eat the eggs. 😬 Fertile eggs don't start developing until they're in the right environment so it's not as if you're eating baby chicks or something. They would just be like regular eggs.

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