Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs


One pic tonight this is Rumpy he's my special call duck , he was born with a growth on his tail that I had to remove, so he is tailless. Right now he's chillin with me eating my string sweetest little guy ever.
Awww...I LOVE cuddly birds!
I think I'm going to have too many to create such a close bond with any particular one, but that sure is a sweet gift from above! Is he still around? Give that drake some cuddles for me next time you see him!
So have we candles A-I yet? I recommend documenting shrinkage of the air sac so we can know when they are "ready" just in case something goes wonky. Just draw with a pencil where the shadow stops.
Awww...I LOVE cuddly birds!
I think I'm going to have too many to create such a close bond with any particular one, but that sure is a sweet gift from above! Is he still around? Give that drake some cuddles for me next time you see him!
So have we candles A-I yet? I recommend documenting shrinkage of the air sac so we can know when they are "ready" just in case something goes wonky. Just draw with a pencil where the shadow stops.
Good idea - see, I have a LOT to learn! Couldn't do all this without all the help from you all!!
2/18 - Good morning!

Skippy and Tulip are happily making a mess in their brooder!

Breeze is a sweety - still in the bator, but all fluffed up and really the only chick you can easily identify from the others - she's so dark with lots of dark brown/black on her legs and feet!

Alcatraz is quiet...I think still recovering from the big ordeal. Can you blame him?

My computer is still a mess, totally acting up! I am going to run an antivirus on it today and hope it works! Will get some pictures and see if we can upload them on the other computer! Wish me luck!


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