Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Update: got little ducky the nutri-drench and it helped tremendously! After giving that yesterday and feeding/ by hand, this morning he was up and walking around the bator (still a little wobbly).. his belly button is dried up, so I moved him to the brooder and first thing he did was take a few drinks on his own and then snuggled with his horsey. Things are looking up for little guy :)

Second egg started hatching more last night, I was confident that it was going to be fine on its own, but I just checked on it after no progress and found that it was stuck in the membrane and some really hard dried amber goo..
So, I started to assist it, got halfway down the egg when I found veins and saw this one also has to finish absorbing the yolk :/
I raised the humidity to 70/80 and put it in a cup. Hopefully I'll have just as good, if not better luck with this one. My other one needs a buddy!
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I know it's not incubation related but after the mammoth failure I had with my first incubation, I am super proud of my little girl! Yesterday afternoon she successfully hatched 5 out of the 6 eggs she was on. She is extremely chuffued with herself and is being an amazing mummy :)






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They're so cute! I am in love lol. These are the first babies we have had :)
Egg no 6 still hadn't hatched by last night so i brought him in and candled. Inevitably ended up helping but he was dead and hadn't absorbed his yolk sac. His little head was deformed and on a really bad angle. Poor little guy but I think 5 out of 6 are pretty good odds ;-)
Its been a really stressful week.. ducklings started hatching and I'm down to 2 from 6. One just made it out after 3 days of struggling but the cord was still attached

and the other one has internally pipped but thats it. It is now day 37. The duckling that hatched has torn off its umbilical cord

and my boyfriend is on his way home with some iodine to help prevent infection, but my hopes are not high for this one as every chick I've had hatch like this has eventually died

This is my first time incubating duck eggs and I think from now on I'll leave it to the ducks.

Anyone have advice on anything else I can do to try to save this little guy??
I may be to late but how's he doing?? The only thing I can see is he needs his vent cleaned off and some Blue kote of iodine on it. Clear his nostrils make sure he can breath OK. then place him in the incubator, for 24 hours until he fluffs up and lower the humidity.

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