Incubation questions


10 Years
Sep 22, 2013
I have 14 hen eggs in a Brinsea maxi day 9 and I am looking some guidance regarding humidity and the eggs.

I am following the incubator guide filling half the water tank, I got a cheap hydrometer and have put it in and it is showing 60-70% I have reduced the water a bit since to be around 50-60% what should I be aiming for and is the fluctuation in humidity really bad?

I have a mix of breeds and colours
My dark brown French copper Marans eggs a very mottled looking when candling is this normal ?

I bought some white eggs to hatch but two of the three don’t look like there is any development


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The humidity fluctuation isn't as critical as the temperature is. I agree, there's no development at least in the one to the right I can see. Most likely it wasn't fertile.

I shoot for between 40-50% until lockdown, and then 65-70%.

Wishing you a great hatch!!

The humidity fluctuation isn't as critical as the temperature is. I agree, there's no development at least in the one to the right I can see. Most likely it wasn't fertile.

I shoot for between 40-50% until lockdown, and then 65-70%.

Wishing you a great hatch!!
Glad to hear that was a bit worried by it being so humid for the first few days I will aim to keep it lower from now on until lockdown.
Yes the last photo is the one I think is not developing, I bought a few eggs to mix with my own ones and two out of three of that breed seem infertile
The other photos of the egg I was wondering about the mottled appearance is that normal for some eggs?
Glad to hear that was a bit worried by it being so humid for the first few days I will aim to keep it lower from now on until lockdown.
Yes the last photo is the one I think is not developing, I bought a few eggs to mix with my own ones and two out of three of that breed seem infertile
The other photos of the egg I was wondering about the mottled appearance is that normal for some eggs?
I don't know about the mottled one. That's usually an odd occurrence with a hen. I had one like that, that wasn't fertile, and another that hatched.

Anytime I have a questionable egg, I put a question mark or X on the egg in pencil. That way before lockdown when I candle again, I can pay special attention to those.

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