Incubation temperature


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Kent, England
I've just got back from getting my kids from school to find the temperature in my incubator had risen to 101.8*F, have a killed my developing chicks? I'm on day 13, but was only out for about 1/2 an hour.

Please help, really worried now!!!
Its fine. You were not gone long enough for it to be a problem. Temps will fluctuate under a mom hen too when she broods, a short time at 101 wont hurt them at all. When it gets to be 103+ then you need to worry. Are you using a thermostat?
The temperature wasn't that high and it was only for a short period, so it's unlikely to have an effect on the embryos. It takes quite awhile for the core temperature of the egg to rise/drop, so temperature rises like this won't have much of an effect as long as you catch and correct it quick. I'd suggest you keep an eye on the temperature in case it does this again! Good luck with your hatch.
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