Incubator broke day 7 - what can I do?


Jun 6, 2023
I just have a cheapy Chinese incubator that’s giving out on day 7 - my husband thinks faulty wiring. Amazon is sending a replacement but it won’t be here for four days.

Is there anything I can do for these eggs? I’d be happy to let a hen sit on them but don’t have any broodies.
keep them in a warm place like out in the garage .. if you have a big plastic tote with a lid and an old lamp or drop light with an incandecent bulb you can rig a makeshift incubator, ive hatched eggs that way .. put some water in the bottom, some folded wire for a standoff, a shallow box lined with grass/hay to place the eggs, and a temp guage with them .. hang the light (40-60w incandecent) in one end and adjust how much of the top is covered with the lid until you get temps in range, dont put the lid directly over the light, heat rises it may melt, or let the bulb co tact anything ... needs to be in a non drafty area .. and you need to flip eggs over 2-3 times a day ...
keep them in a warm place like out in the garage .. if you have a big plastic tote with a lid and an old lamp or drop light with an incandecent bulb you can rig a makeshift incubator, ive hatched eggs that way .. put some water in the bottom, some folded wire for a standoff, a shallow box lined with grass/hay to place the eggs, and a temp guage with them .. hang the light (40-60w incandecent) in one end and adjust how much of the top is covered with the lid until you get temps in range, dont put the lid directly over the light, heat rises it may melt, or let the bulb co tact anything ... needs to be in a non drafty area .. and you need to flip eggs over 2-3 times a day ...
I will give it a shot! Thank you!
Constructed a very rudimentary temporary incubator until the new one gets here (and ordered a second additional one as a backup for the future).
Temp is currently maintaining right at 100°, haven’t gotten the humidity dialed in but not as concerned about that.
The eggs spent probably 4-5 hours in a 90-95° environment. Will wait and candle when the new incubator comes and hope for the best!
Candled the eggs today, of the 12 only one wasn’t developing. My daughter also dropped one. 🙃
So we’ve got 10 eggs in the homemade incubator going strong.

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