Incubator confession - poults sick and dying

I had to go back and read your first post...
these guys might have something wrong from the hatch..the bacteria..
I don't think it was Cocci now. Sorry.
My observations...
The yellow sac thingy at the bottom had a kind of thick gooey yolky substance in it. There was no smell though.
The liver is not looking good at all, just an orangey colour, no lesions noted.
The black thing in front of the liver had a dark green liquid in it. Is that the spleen? Why is it green?
Intestines looked normal. This poult hadn't really eaten anything for a few days so just a bit of food related poop in the lower intestine.
The gizzard seemed very large to me, it was the first thing I saw when I opened it up. It was very hard and had milky liquyid and crumbles in it. (Odd for a bird that wasnt eating)
The heart looked very healthy.
I couldn't get the lungs out but they looked pink.

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