Incubator emergency! Is there any hope?


10 Years
Jun 2, 2011
I am on day 9 of my hatch in a hovabator. Just candled last night and saw movement in all 14 of my eggs that were still there(I had three cracked and one non fertile) .... and around 1 am... the power went out. As soon as I realized it at 6:30 this morning, I bundled them up and took them to my mom's house a half hour away to plug them back in. the temp was down to there any jope that some could have survived? Of course, while I was gone, the power came back on....did I do more damage moving my incubator than good? I am a first timer, andI was so excited about having some of my own hatchlings....:
They're probably OK. My incubator, the Brinsea Mini Advance has cool down options that shuts off the heat daily from 60 to 360 minutes. Default is 60 but if you chose 360 that would equal 6 hours.
Do you think I hurt them by moving them? I drove carefully... I am just kicking myself, because the power was on when I got home, but I had no way of knowing when it would be back on...
They will be fine. I just had a broody that did like her brooder house leave numerous times, to the point I had no idea how how long she was gone. The eggs were cold, but I gave them back to her in the big coop, when I got home yesterday they were all hatched. I was shocked.
I once had 2 broody hens sharing eggs. They'd steal each others eggs all day...rolling them back and forth under each other. I'm pretty sure most if not all hatched so there's still hope for your eggs.
Great news! I picked them up last night and candled them when I got home. All 14 eggs had cute little babies moving around!
thanks for the help everyone.
Keep in mind the text book for hatching is just that lol. I had my eggs see 120 for about an hour before I realized and brought them down. Eggs seem to be pretty resilient (Spelling). So don't stress to much. But glad you had movement. :) when you got home.

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