Incubator/hatching related questions

This is my first hatch using an incubator. I had one chick hatch yesterday which was day 18 only. It has been almost 24 hours since that chick hatched and so far no one else has even pipped. Since she was early should I still expect the others in a few days. Should I remove her so she doesn't keep bumping the other eggs? Any help and support is much appreciate ynA
Any more?
Two more hatched two days later. On my last candle on day 17 I had 7 that looked good out of my original 9. But it's been another full day since my last chick hatched and so far no new pips. I'm going to wait until day 25 at least before calling it. I think having to take the other chicks out and all of the bumping and changes in humidity just messed them up unfortunately. But the three that hatched are doing great in their brooder and they're adorable
Is there a time when I should carefully try to open the egg to see if the chick is alive but the humidity made the membrane too hard? How can I check for life accurately?

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