Incubator lost power and turner--does that change lockdown day??


May 25, 2017
I'm a teacher, and I keep my incubator in my classroom. Yesterday, our school lost power from about 1pm to about 10pm. I was out of town, so my principal went into the school around 3pm to put warm water bottles next to and on top of the incubator and cover everything with a blanket. The incubator temperature never got lower than 81 degrees, but it was at 81 for many hours.
I have chicken eggs in there that were on about day 10 and duck eggs that were on about day 3.
Is there any hope for them?
If so, will lockdown start later for either the chicks or the ducklings?
I think most of us have been thru power failures and the chicks usually still hatch. Maybe not all, but most of them. I wouldn't change the lockdown date but they may be a little delayed in hatching. Keep in mind that a hen will get off the nest about every day and the chicks still hatch. She's usually not off for 9 hours but the eggs do cool down some. Since your eggs were on day 10 I wouldn't worry about it too much. ;)
:frow Welcome from New Orleans, thank you for teaching our children, I know that's not an easy job. It sounds like you are making education fun. Good luck with your eggs, hopefully your students get to see how the babies get out of their eggs. That may end up being the only lesson of the day however. :lau Thoughts and prayers your way. :fl
Ducklings? I didn't see that when I read the post the first time. I think duck eggs take 28 days but It's been a long time since I raised them. Do you have a separate hatcher? Chicken eggs take 21 days.:hmm

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