Incubator Lowering Humidity?


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
I'm using a Farm Innovators still air with turner, I'm trying to get set up for my first batch of egg. I am concerned about humidity. The humidity in the room is 61% relative in the incubator which I have gotten to temperature it's currently at 74% relative humidity has gotten to 80%with not a drop of water in it or a sponge. Anyway to lower this? Outside humidity is 90% blah. Thanks for all the help to the newbie hatcher.
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First you need an accurate humidistat. Checked and calibrated. You can search for checking a humiditstat with the salt method on this forum. Most incubator humidistats are crazy and read off. The humidity inside the incubator will not be higher then the outside room humidity because of the higher temp. UNLESS you add water or there is a lot of hatching going on. Unless you jump thru hoops you won't be able to get the humidity more then 15-20% under the room humidity. A big bag of rice inside the incubator will remove humidity....but it will take up some space.
Personally I would just make sure the temp is stable and go dry as ya can (but not under 35-40%) for the first 18 days and then up the humidity to 70% or so and hatch..
I'm using a Farm Innovators still air with turner, I'm trying to get set up for my first batch of egg. I am concerned about humidity. The humidity in the room is 61% relative in the incubator which I have gotten to temperature it's currently at 74% relative humidity has gotten to 80%with not a drop of water in it or a sponge. Anyway to lower this? Outside humidity is 90% blah. Thanks for all the help to the newbie hatcher.
Built in hygrometers and thermometers are notoriously off by a lot and it is important to have extras that can be calibrated. I suggest that you use this method, especially in a styro bator.

My humidity is like yours. I just had a successful hatch of shipped eggs. Good luck hoping you have a great hatch.
Thank you. I was planning to leave it alone, originally I had a sponge inside which I removed I'm down to 56% now. I'm using 2 digital gauges I bought have not checked them, outside reading was from the weather channel. I'm all about learning so I maybe asking some silly questions for a bit.
Thank you. I was planning to leave it alone, originally I had a sponge inside which I removed I'm down to 56% now. I'm using 2 digital gauges I bought have not checked them, outside reading was from the weather channel. I'm all about learning so I maybe asking some silly questions for a bit.
No questions are silly. We all had to learn. If you are using still air i believe the incubating temp is 101-102f. Prior to setting, It is best to run the incubator for 24hrs and check the temperature in different spots and use the average, sometimes there are cool and hot spots. Some people change the positions of the eggs around the incubator every so often. You probably wont need any water until lock down. When you candle your eggs to check for development on days 7, 14, and 18, you will also check the air cell growth which will be an indication whether to add water or not. What are you hatching?
I'm in the checking stage now, temp is sitting steady at 102. I have 24 eggs Black Australorp or Buff orpington or crosses it's a surprise. I'm also adding 12 Peking duck eggs which I have read may or may not work but i'm trying it. Chickens will be moved and ducks left in bator is my current plan.
I'm in the checking stage now, temp is sitting steady at 102. I have 24 eggs Black Australorp or Buff orpington or crosses it's a surprise. I'm also adding 12 Peking duck eggs which I have read may or may not work but i'm trying it. Chickens will be moved and ducks left in bator is my current plan.
Oh wow are you doing a staggered hatch for your first batch. Do the duck eggs take a week longer? I did this on my 2nd hatch and built a coolerbator to move the chicken eggs to for lock down. I was also hatching turkeys which are 28 days.
Yes the duck eggs take a week longer, I don't even own a duck or ever have but the guy ask me if I wanted some eggs so I said why not. I may move the chicken eggs for lock down I do have the option. I have people wanting me to hatch eggs for them because I have the space so I'm trying to figure this out the right way the first time.
Yes the duck eggs take a week longer, I don't even own a duck or ever have but the guy ask me if I wanted some eggs so I said why not. I may move the chicken eggs for lock down I do have the option. I have people wanting me to hatch eggs for them because I have the space so I'm trying to figure this out the right way the first time. 

Oh you are going to have great fun!
The chicken math has really hit I have adult bantams 12, then I bought Buff Orpington's, Lavender Oripington's and french black copper marans. Now I'm putting in 36 eggs I've lost my mind. As soon as these hatch I have a lady wanting me to do her eggs for spiting. How many chickens can I fit on 60 acres lol? I have chickens on the farm, chicks in my office and in my basement.

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