Incubator Question


14 Years
Jan 17, 2009
Lancaster County PA
The previous owners of our farm house left an incubator that they did not want to take along. It is round with a mesh-type wire to lay the eggs on. Underneath the wire, there is room to put several small individual-size pie pans. I have seen incubators where the eggs appear to be placed in "egg carton-type" holders. Is that a better way to hatch the eggs versus having the eggs laying on their side? If it is best to have eggs placed in incubator with the small end pointed down, would it be OK to use the bottom part of an egg carton in this incubator? How do you turn the eggs when held this way?
I have heard that it is better to have them in the egg cartons while developing, but as soon as it comes to hatching time when the air sac is well formed, put them on their sides so the eggs can hatch properly.

Hope that helps.
When hatching, you can hatch the eggs in an egg carton. Put the egg large end up. Make sure to poke a hole in the bottom of each part of the egg carton for air flow. The chicks will hatch faster and have an easier time getting out, since they dont have to constantly readjust from being rolled around on the incubator floor. It also makes for easier clean up.
Is it just the small short end of the egg carton that you take turns propping up? Do you need to use a smaller block under the long side of the carton from time to time? What is the minimum amount of block size that you can use? Is there a maximum height?

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