Incubator search turned bad (Please heed the warning)

I agree. I have been using Foxfire now for quite some time. Even the US government won't use IE.

By the way, I had to wipe out my system and re-install Windows. Now I am back! I don't wish what I went through on anyone. Now my system is great and I am not downloading anything like that again!
I use both.

Firefox is my default browser, but web designers are not noted for their accomdating natures, and some good sites don't work well with Firefox.

There are two main reasons for this .... firstly, some sites will perform a browser check, and will only load in IE. Also, IE is NOT 100% compliant with the standards (Firefox is), and over the years web designers have learned how to exploit the *features* to their benefit (I don't mean harmful stuff).

Active-X is not implemented in Firefox, and some sites (like my camera) need it to work properly .... so ....

Let's all be careful out there
I use both.

Firefox is my default browser, but web designers are not noted for their accomdating natures, and some good sites don't work well with Firefox.

There are two main reasons for this .... firstly, some sites will perform a browser check, and will only load in IE. Also, IE is NOT 100% compliant with the standards (Firefox is), and over the years web designers have learned how to exploit the *features* to their benefit (I don't mean harmful stuff).

That's why IE Tab was invented. Works on every poorly written IE oriented site I've ever come across.

I can't help you with your camera
I use both.

Firefox is my default browser, but web designers are not noted for their accomdating natures, and some good sites don't work well with Firefox.

There are two main reasons for this .... firstly, some sites will perform a browser check, and will only load in IE. Also, IE is NOT 100% compliant with the standards (Firefox is), and over the years web designers have learned how to exploit the *features* to their benefit (I don't mean harmful stuff).

That's why IE Tab was invented. Works on every poorly written IE oriented site I've ever come across.

I can't help you with your camera

Yep, use that too .... but it runs active=x, so be careful
missed a bit .....

I don't need help with my camera
It's on my local network .... others need a little help sometimes.

It is a web server, and can be viewed from any browser, but the controls require active-x

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