Incubator: Still Air vs. Circulated air


Mar 12, 2023
I am currently using a still air Hovabator. My last hatch was horrible and I had only 1 chick hatch out of 22.I think the temp and humidity played a huge part in it.

Do you think it would be beneficial to buy the air circulator attachment?

Or does everyone usually have successful hatches without it?
Are you using the 1602N? I had that model, but only briefly because it had too many severe temperature fluctuations. You can find threads on here discussing it, with some folks reporting good hatches.

I use 2370s and 1588s now. Both are circulated air and maintain temperature more consistently. I can also open the incubator as needed without having to worry much about the temps and humidity returning to optimal levels quickly. My choice: I'd go with circulated air over still for poultry egg incubation.

Are you also using an independent hygrometer and thermometer? I've found that incubator displays can rarely be trusted.
I have one still air and 4 of the 2370s. The only way I'll use the still air model now is for a temp brooder to thin out the hatching chicks in the 2370. The wafer model drove me crazy trying to hold a steady temp.
Yes it is a 1602N.
My first batch was pretty good.

Incubator does not have a temp/humidity display. So I have 2 govees. My temp stays pretty consistent for the most part but I find humidity changes about a 10% difference from each side of the incubator. Last hatch I couldn’t keep the humidity above 35% for some reason.

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