Incubator temp reached 103.5...HELP PLEASE!


5 Years
Sep 21, 2018
Clarkdale, Arizona
So I have 22 eggs in my Nurture Right 360 and they're on day 10. Today the temp spiked to 103.5 for just a few minutes because the room it was in got REALLY HOT. It's my daughter's upstairs bedroom (the only room safe from the cats) and despite being told to leave her a/c window unit on, she turned it off and forgot to turn it back on when she left the room. Anyway, I heard the alarm going off, and as soon as I realized what it was I went up there and immediately opened the incubator to try to gradually cool them, then turned the a/c back on. They were probably at 103.5 for about 10 minutes. Is my hatch ruined, or will it be OK?
So I have 22 eggs in my Nurture Right 360 and they're on day 10. Today the temp spiked to 103.5 for just a few minutes because the room it was in got REALLY HOT. It's my daughter's upstairs bedroom (the only room safe from the cats) and despite being told to leave her a/c window unit on, she turned it off and forgot to turn it back on when she left the room. Anyway, I heard the alarm going off, and as soon as I realized what it was I went up there and immediately opened the incubator to try to gradually cool them, then turned the a/c back on. They were probably at 103.5 for about 10 minutes. Is my hatch ruined, or will it be OK?

:hugsYour eggs will be fine. A couple minutes at that temp should not affect them. My old incubator spiked to 103+ for an hour and my eggs came through just fine. :)

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