Incubator that I cant see through


Sep 4, 2018
Anyone have an incubator that you cant see inside? I'm borrowing one from a friend and this is the first time I wont be able to tell if theres hatching going on. Do you guys just let it go for a full day then peek inside? I'm so sad I cant watch this one!!
Anyone have an incubator that you cant see inside? I'm borrowing one from a friend and this is the first time I wont be able to tell if theres hatching going on. Do you guys just let it go for a full day then peek inside? I'm so sad I cant watch this one!!
For many years, my cabinet incubator had a solid door. It wasn't until a few years ago that I made a see through panel for it. Prior to that time, I would open the door daily to check progress but often knew before opening the door that there were hatchlings inside due to the peeping.
I have an old Sportsman with a solid door that one can't see into. The idea is to move the eggs to a hatcher with the ability to view at day 18/19.
In reality, if fertility, breeder nutrition, temperature, turning, humidity, et. al. are spot on, one doesn't have to watch. Pull the chicks at day 22. Curiosity killed the cat.
I have an old Sportsman with a solid door that one can't see into. The idea is to move the eggs to a hatcher with the ability to view at day 18/19.
In reality, if fertility, breeder nutrition, temperature, turning, humidity, et. al. are spot on, one doesn't have to watch. Pull the chicks at day 22. Curiosity killed the cat.
But dont they have 9 lives?! ;)

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