Incubator too Crowded


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2020
I have had a high hatch in a smaller incubator. It is getting too crowded.
If I can maintain the humidity can I open and take out some of the hatched eggs.

The ambient temperature is the same as the incubator and I can maintain the humidity.
The last egg hatched a little over an hour ago.
Yes, go ahead and take the ducklings out, as well as any shells/gunk. If you close the incubator, and after a few minutes the humidity doesn't rise up to where you want it (75-ish%), you can open it back up and set a moist sponge or towel in the incubator, not touching the eggs.
Thank you! All went well. Left the ducklings in because it has only been 6hrs since the 1st and a couple hours since the last duckling hatched!

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