Incubator vs Hatcher?


Feb 25, 2015
Saskatchewan Canada
I have two incuBators, one I hate! The chicks are always fine right up till it’s time to hatch and then about 50%+ never do or need assisted. ALL because they are positioned wrong! This incubator does not have a turner.
I have another one that I am using for the first time with a turner. The lady I got it from said it worked good for her.
Right now all the eggs are in the new one, but I have a staggered hatch. About a week difference. I was thinking about moving some into the other one to hatch or vice versa.
Would it be better to put the ones hatching in the crappy incubator or the ones still growing?
I have a feeling part of the problem in the old incubator is that is has no turner. The temp always seems to hold fine.
If you manually turn the eggs, there will be no difference in temps. I've had one horrible one that looks like it holds fine temps, but clearly doesn't because of the death rate. It works fine as a hatcher though. Do that.

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