incubator with humidkit?


Sep 25, 2017
North Dakota
Hi all! I got an incubator with the humidikit for christmas and I'm planning on putting eggs in at the end of Feb. Does anyone have experiance with the himidikit? (it came from incubator wharehouse) Looking for some tips, tricks, suggestions anything. This will be my first time hatching anything. I'll be starting with chicken eggs from the neighbor, then (hopefully) my own and some shipped guinea eggs. Thanks! (the incubator is the Incuview all in one)
I have one. Sometimes I love it and then sometimes it's a pain in the ( , )...Thy key is making sure all the setting are correct. I would set it up with your incubator and practice keeping it at the humity you want for a week or two before trying to hatch eggs.
Congrats on your new set up. Remember if you ever have any questions or concerns with any of our products you can always reach out to us via our website chat or email. We are always happy to help however we can.
Thank you! thats one of the reasons I chose the incuview, everyone gave 5 stars on your customer service. I'm sure I will have some questions when I get started
I have one. Sometimes I love it and then sometimes it's a pain in the ( , )...Thy key is making sure all the setting are correct. I would set it up with your incubator and practice keeping it at the humity you want for a week or two before trying to hatch eggs.
How have your hatchs been with the humidikit????
How have your hatchs been with the humidikit????
I've only had 1 hatch so far... 27 eggs, 2 ended up not fertile and another 5 only 1/2way developed by out of the 20 viable eggs all 19 hatched 1 pipped but didn't come out. (one chick didn't make it after 24 hours but he was dragging his yolk sac?) so 17 live healthy chicks. :)
So how did you read the humkit Did you go by it and the what your incubator reads I called them and they never gave me any answer I had a very bad hatch using this. Had 3 call hatch
then 1 died Had 14 pekins hatch 2 piped but only didnt really zipp total out but died and 13 didnt even pip I candled right before lock down Maybe my humity is off. I I now I had 3 reads And there was a 12degrees off between them and I called them and the told me to avg the 3 Can I ask your chicks I did 10 and only had 4 hatch but also had 35 quail hatch in the same hatch Any info would help Im not doing a hatch for a well

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