Incubators Anonymous

Oh wow I just found out the little barnyard mix I have been so carefully incubating are not just normal chicks. The are 1/8 gray gamebird 1/8 asil game bird and 3/4 Japanese game bird. I hate game chickens. I had homes for these if they hatch but since they wanted pets I think these would not be good. So they are going to get them back and I ordered 12 "nice" eggs to hatch for my friends pets. Lol helps my addiction too..... :)
my husband loves game birds.
Good morning everyone. I was a recovering addict but after 5 years of abstinence, I have 38 assorted eggs in my bator. Maran (I can't see crap it there), 8 game (love game chickens, wish their eggs were bigger and darker), 12 black/blue orph. Lockdown Day 2, eggs that were placed over 3 days because I was too impatient to get them in to wait for them all at the same time.
I live on a farm but deconstructed my chicken house a few years ago and now am hoping I sell all but 4-6 of these and will get a small chicken tractor... Or, since we're moving to another farm in the summer, I'll keep most, get more eggs to do as a science fair project for next year and...  guineas, we're going to have a lot of ticks this year and we will need guineas too... and I do like ducks, we have a stream... love the muscovys.... and runners...

My boyfriend loves animals but has NEVER had chickens or hatched before...guess we'll see how this goes...

Anyone know where I can get some guinea eggs in WV?

Thanks for listening...

My word of advice...
Don't e-bay with an empty incubator and a couple of beers... 
fowl play guineas in MD will ship.
My first hatched chikies. Well even if they are game birds they are still cute. Have 3 more pips and 2 wiggling eggs.

Hi I'm Jossie, and I've fallen off the chicken wagon. I went a couple years clean with nary a bird in sight. But last year I got me another laying flock, and in September I got a screaming deal on four 4-year-old show-winning OEGB's. I have always had broody hens to do my hatching, but I bought my first incubator this spring and I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. My cute little old birds started laying in March and I'm sticking every egg I get in the bator. I bought a little Magicfly automatic incubator on Amazon, and it's doing a good job so far. I can tell, though, that it's not going to be enough. I have 5 eggs in the turner, and two eggs pipped and hatching today set away from the turner. I need another incubator to use as a hatcher. And I'm sure this little 12-egg job isn't going to do it for long. My little breeder flock is going to expand and I can't eat these cute little tiny eggs. My little hens are willing to help me out - looks like two of the three are now broody, so maybe another incubator isn't such a big emergency...

Now how in the heck do I sit on my hands and not touch the pipped eggs? This is taking SO LONG!!!!!!

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