Incubators Anonymous

I'm not an expert at this but I think it would take longer than 30 minutes to raise temp inside the eggs to 105. You did do the right thing in opening door and spritzing water.Did humidity go back up quickly? I know when I set my first batch it took 24 hours to bring eggs up from room temperature to 99.5 so o think you are safe. Good luck

Thank you, that does make me feel better! Thank god for the chicks alerting me that they were getting hot or I would never have known! My digital thermometer was turned out of sight!

So far I have two that I've seen movement from, I haven't seen much from the others though. I'll just cross my fingers! Thanks again!
I recall my first chicks. I saw one moving quickly across the brooder then it seemed to drop dead. They do that. It was fine. Or when I when crazy thinking one of the birds had a huge neoplasm in its throat - crop.
I'll know more surely tomorrow but it looks like the two freshest eggs at incubation start both pipped on day 20 and both fully hatched but now halfway through day 21 there's no more pipping on the remaining 4. She's an old hen of course. Two nice chicks, both black.
So one third of the 6 chicks hatched. No pipping on the 4. The two are active, chirping, jumping around the incubator. I'll move them to a bin with a warming lamp and heating pad today. It will be a large bin because I'm thinking of picking up 2 or 4 chicks from my favorite feed store today (if she'll sell fewer than six). She just got in chicks and those aren't too large. Figuring the large bin there's more room for the little one's to get away. I'll leave the remaining 4 eggs on for another day or two before disposing.

Both of the chicks are black but one has a little white at wingtips and under her eyes while the other is all black.

So one third of the 6 chicks hatched. No pipping on the 4. The two are active, chirping, jumping around the incubator. I'll move them to a bin with a warming lamp and heating pad today. It will be a large bin because I'm thinking of picking up 2 or 4 chicks from my favorite feed store today (if she'll sell fewer than six). She just got in chicks and those aren't too large. Figuring the large bin there's more room for the little one's to get away. I'll leave the remaining 4 eggs on for another day or two before disposing.

Both of the chicks are black but one has a little white at wingtips and under her eyes while the other is all black.

Congrats on the 2, sorry about the 4. I had some late hatches 2 hatches ago, so, sometimes they surprise you!! Good luck!!!!
Congrats on the 2, sorry about the 4. I had some late hatches 2 hatches ago, so, sometimes they surprise you!! Good luck!!!!

Thanks. Not concerned about the 4. I've just moved the two chicks to the brooder. After dipping their beaks they're complete ignoring their new surroundings except for the water on which they're bingeing. Happy birds. Two heating lamps, a heating pad under the brooder and two temperature sensors. Around 97° toward the floor beneath the hotter source. Heat all at one end. Water crumble and wet crumble out for them. Leaving now to buy chicks.
Thanks. Not concerned about the 4. I've just moved the two chicks to the brooder. After dipping their beaks they're complete ignoring their new surroundings except for the water on which they're bingeing. Happy birds. Two heating lamps, a heating pad under the brooder and two temperature sensors. Around 97° toward the floor beneath the hotter source. Heat all at one end. Water crumble and wet crumble out for them. Leaving now to buy chicks.
Let us know what you buy!! Good luck and it sounds like the 2 chicks are happy and comfy!!
The owner was telling me what kind were in each of the two brooders. I wasn't listening. Why? Because with all my roo's, which more often than not, were chosen because the chicks were active, bright and less afraid, so this time I decided to pick the chicks most comfortable in the pack center.

They are getting along well.

Howdy all, I just set 75 eggs in my Brinsea 40, and added 30 more to my other Brinsea. I have Ayem Cemani, Olive Eggers, Frizzled EE, Silkies and my backyard mix.

Also, I wasn't able to do the deed myself, but I did watch.....I had help killing, defeathering, and gutting 3 of my silkie roos. They really are creepy looking.

Not sure I can do it myself any time soon, but they sure did make it look easy.
Jessimom-you're going to have quite the brooder of babies in a couple weeks! Ayam cemani are pretty neat looking birds.

Silkies are rather odd looking when butchered. We haven't done a pure silkie yet but we did do a silkie mix. You could definitely tell which one it was in the freezer. We have about 7 CX that we need to get to very soon. One lost its ability to walk because it jumped off the ramp and hurt it's legs and one is getting so big that I'm amazed he can walk! Plus, I don't think I can afford to feed these pigs with wings much longer lol. Even with them free ranging. They're still in good shape though. They can really run when they see you coming with the food bowl!

Last time we needed a couple roos done, I took the step and did it myself. Hubby and I have done many together and I can do it but I never did the killing before that last time. I cried and cried. I was fine once they were gone but I'm an animal lover and killing them was so hard. But I know that I can do it if need be.

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