Incubators Anonymous

3 out many more pips and zips one must have bleeding a little hope he is ok.

Exciting! Hope she's okay! Keep it up babies!
Okay.. I have eggs piled up waiting to go in the incubator that have taken lower priority due to the limited capacity of my Genesis. These eggs are 4-5 weeks old. My new digital sportsman will be delivered tomorrow. So toss the old eggs or take a gamble and set them??

I have unorthadox hatch methods so I stagger hatches in my Genesis for now and rotate eggs in and candled bad eggs out. I also have been overloading my turner by stacking eggs on top of other eggs to make more fit. Still have great hatch rates but desperately need this new incubator!! I cant keep up with our hens. Lol
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Okay.. I have eggs piled up waiting to go in the incubator that have taken lower priority due to the limited capacity of my Genesis. These eggs are 4-5 weeks old. My new digital sportsman will be delivered tomorrow. So toss the old eggs or take a gamble and set them??

I have unorthadox hatch methods so I stagger hatches in my Genesis for now and rotate eggs in and candled bad eggs out. I also have been overloading my turner by stacking eggs on top of other eggs to make more fit. Still have great hatch rates but desperately need this new incubator!! I cant keep up with our hens. Lol
I threw in eggs that were from 4 to 8 weeks old. The older the egg, the fewer that hatched. Some hatched, but not nearly as many as the earlier eggs. If you have the room, I say throw them in. A couple might hatch. If you are limited in space and have to sacrifice others to put these in, then I'd toss them.
I just had #11 hatch had to move 8 dry fuzzie ones to brooder found a flaw in my DIY bator the ones that are moving around were stretching to try and peck the fan no one got it but were coming close so I had to add a guard. We are popping out on a regular basis!!!! 9 eggs left 4 are piped go turkeys!!!
I threw in eggs that were from 4 to 8 weeks old.  The older the egg, the fewer that hatched.  Some hatched, but not nearly as many as the earlier eggs.  If you have the room, I say throw them in.  A couple might hatch.  If you are limited in space and have to sacrifice others to put these in, then I'd toss them.  

I will have room for them once the sportsman comes in. Just have been neglecting them and setting more important eggs in my Genesis. Just didnt want to waste my time if there was little to no chance of them hatching. I will candle at day 5 and throw them out if they arent developing. Thanks! But 8 weeks is pretty amazing! I will be very pleasantly surprised if even a few of these eggs hatch. :)
Okay.. I have eggs piled up waiting to go in the incubator that have taken lower priority due to the limited capacity of my Genesis. These eggs are 4-5 weeks old. My new digital sportsman will be delivered tomorrow. So toss the old eggs or take a gamble and set them??

I have unorthadox hatch methods so I stagger hatches in my Genesis for now and rotate eggs in and candled bad eggs out. I also have been overloading my turner by stacking eggs on top of other eggs to make more fit. Still have great hatch rates but desperately need this new incubator!! I cant keep up with our hens. Lol

Eh, take the chance, why not. You'll have the room lol. I've actualy had to restrain myself. I have room in the bator for the 40 or so eggs on the counter but I need more brooder space before I set anymore. I'm only setting turkey eggs for now but the rest are just piling up, waiting. I will set them ALL once some of these chicks sell lol

I just had #11 hatch had to move 8 dry fuzzie ones to brooder found a flaw in my DIY bator the ones that are moving around were stretching to try and peck the fan no one got it but were coming close so I had to add a guard. We are popping out on a regular basis!!!! 9 eggs left 4 are piped go turkeys!!!

YAY TURKEYS! Let's go babies!
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So okay I finally have 6 healthy chicks. 1 chick with curled toe paralysis. 2 DIS during hatching. One quitter was probably about day 18. So the FI was most consistent with heat and humidity. And the quietest. But the invcaview would have been fine except for the day I found the lid off. For prob 12 hrs. I think it caused them to be about a day later. But lookie what arrived today!

20 barnyard mixed,(Roosters are:Sumatra,Crele Orp,Langshan, mixed, Polish, Bantam welsummers
Hens: Welsummer, , Blue copper marans, cuckoo marans, EE and olive eggers, Bantam olive eggers, Langshan, games and mixes, polish, Ameracanu, ,Bantam welsummers,light Brahma, .Rhode island red, leghorn) from ebay packed very well. No damaged eggs.
7 isabell leghorn with possibility of split to brown leghorn, 7 ayam cemani thank you BYC member also packed very very well. 10 sizzle silkies ( one looks scrambled)from ebay that were packed horribly (6 not in the pic because they were shattered,16 total I paid for 12.) Going to give them a day or 2 to rest. Going to set them Saturday or sunday!!!!!!
My name is Michelle. I've had chickens for about 4 years now. I have 8 hens of all different breeds, although buff orphs are my favorite I like a variation.

I just recently added a fertile Lavendar Silkie to my flock and got two eggs with her... That's where the trouble started! I remembered my daughters kindergarten class is hatching eggs, so I asked her teacher to stick mine in her bator because I'd never done it before.

About a week has passed and I get the itch, I think to myself why the heck can't I give it a try? I always though it would be so cool, but it's pretty intimidating! So I got on eBay and bid on some fertile eggs. I've always wanted a polish, so I though okay I'll just get a few... I won 21!! Don't forget the two I have in the school bator.

The shipped in two days! I had no idea that the woman I bought them from was going to ship them so fast! I thought I had until at least next week! So I went to TSC and picked up a Farm Innovators Pro Series Digital, this thing kicks butt! They arrived today and had to rest for 12 hrs before I put them in the new incubator, well I left for the weekend a few hours after they arrived. My husband is at home in charge! I asked him, because I'm so excited and sad in not there, to FaceTime me when he puts them in!

I'm so excited, I can hardly see straight!

So I just finished my first ever candling! I took this video!


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