Incubators Anonymous


My new isabella leghorns, isbars black and splash
I thought about a Sportsman, but that was just too crazy for my house. But, I do have a lot going on. Between my incubators and eggs, and a friend's incubator and her eggs, I have 4 full bators and 1 empty.

Here is my update from another thread:

I moved 17 Auto-sexing EEs, 11 Frizzled EEs and 6 shipped silkies into lockdown (No longer my "Death Bator" bator)
I have 15 Blue Wheaten Sulmtaler set on 4/9, 17 BCM, 24 Mille Fleur D'uccle and 6 Black Crested Polish set on 4/15, 12 Blue Buff Cochin, 4 BCM, 13 Olive Eggers, 2 Biefielders, 4 CCLs and 10 of my silkie eggs set on 4/19 and 60 eggs from Gotro17 - Lavender Orpingtons, Lavender Cochins, and BCMs also set on 4/19. Shellee's chicks will hatch here, then go back to her house.

So, I have 2 Brinseas and 1 Hova bator full to capacity incubating, and 1 Incuview hatching. The LG was emptied and turned off. We'll use it for hatching, trying to keep all the babies separate.

I'm trying to figure out where all the brooders I'm going to need!!! I currently have 13 chicks in my bedroom that hatched last week, 2 curled toe chicks in my bathroom and WAY too many chick out in the brooding coop.

I need to start selling!! But I had 3 of the babies die, and I sent one off to be necropsied. I want to have the results back from that before I sell anything.

Happy hatching everyone!!
My dw sent me a msg.

Said the postman left some big chicken thing on the porch.

So maybe my incubator from ebay has made it.

My ability to hide it has gone out the window.

4 turkey eggs in lockdown.

1 looked internal pipped this morning.
Under the incubator and hatcher rules/definitions I am now down to one incubator though....

Sounds like a good play in the grey areas of the definition.

But sounds good :thumbsup.

Ebay bator made it. Old style 1588. But if it heats and works will be cool with it.
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My incubating has been delt a blow by broody hens was planning to set eggs this weekend when I found out that the hens are against me so I am searching for something to set this weekend. My have to buy a box of golf balls!!!!!!

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