Incubators Anonymous

Dear IA members:

My Name is Ralph of the Duluth clan...

I have a hatching problem. I did not realize it until late last night.

My wife asked the other day what Temp I ran the hatchers at. I told her 99.5 is what I aim for but I like 99.7-8 if I can get it.

Little did I know she took it upon herself to "adjust" my temps. She does not realize how sensitive the controls are and how long it takes to stabilize them. I have wild temp swings now.

How do I "teach" her to keep her hands off my hatchers?

If I break her fingers, is that still a crime considering the reason for it?

I caught her this morning opening a hatcher to put the thermometer in. I stopped her. I will have to prepare my own food for the foreseeable future. She was not happy, her response was " (Expletive deleted) I was just checking the temps, You have them all wrong... I was trying to help"...

What am I to do?

Give her a hatcher of her own and keep your fingers off of it in exchange for her leaving your hatchers alone.
Just curious, will they let you sell chicks at a swap?

Here it is illegal to sell chicks at a swap unless you have the NPIP certificate.     Anything at a swap has to be over 4 months old and tested before it enters the swap area.

That was one of the reasons I went through the hassle to get it.

Really? Yes, we can sell chicks here. When the AI outbreak was going on, all swaps were canceled (except tractor supply swaps). I'm pretty sure that you only need the NPIP to ship chicks here.
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So I ended up with more eggs than I had space for and I bought a still air hovabator as my hatcher. It has a kind of turner I wanted to try out too, so win win. Now tonight when it gets here I will have space for my coturnix quails to go into lockdown so my mother's coturnix and A&M coturnix to go in (4 dozen o.o). Of course she was all, "Oh you didn't have to do that. We could've waited. Why'd you spend the money. Yada.. yada... "Mom things*" And yet she was smiling.

Then when I get home she looks at me all excited and tells me she remembered at work that we have an incubator in the barn in the loft. A friend lent it to us ages ago and we never ended up using it. So we go up and the thing is a beast! If I can get this tin can get the temps to stabilize (she's currently holding at 102, but I turned it down a bit, so hopefully it'll settle at 101 or 100 to serve as my hatcher. It holds humidity super well. So now I suddenly went from two incubators filled to the brim to four! My mother is on craigslist searching for hatching eggs to fill the third one with since alll my chicken eggs save for four go into lockdown next week.

I've infected my mother with hatching disease xD

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That also includes hatching eggs. Every state that I have checked the regulations include hatching eggs in the same regulations as live poultry.

I was curious and looked for PA rules and could not find any. I am becoming a old Nanny at this stuff. BUT I had a bad experience once already and I am never going to do risky things again. I bought some eggs from a guy that was NPIP. I thought, come to find out he never did the tests for 2016. I had to jump a lot of hoops and still have 20 birds in quarantine for 4 months. They issued me my NPIP hatchery License then suspended it. Because of those eggs.

Only because my quarantine building meet their specs was I given it back...WHEW...

Never again will I get eggs or birds without a 9-3 or certificate of Origin....Then on top of that Goronson had his fiasco.... I have learned my lesson!

I am looking for a few more breeds to hatch next year, but they will come from NPIP and with paper work.....

On a positive note. Judy has told me she does not mind if I build anew building for a hatchery instead of fixing the old. I have to think about it, it is a lot of money to spend on a hobby. BUT I am thinking 24x32 insulated heated with running water a TV and internet, With a incubating room and a hatching/brooding area. (2 rooms)
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I was curious and looked for PA rules and could not find any. I am becoming a old Nanny at this stuff. BUT I had a bad experience once already and I am never going to do risky things again. I bought some eggs from a guy that was NPIP. I thought, come to find out he never did the tests for 2016. I had to jump a lot of hoops and still have 20 birds in quarantine for 4 months. They issued me my NPIP hatchery License then suspended it. Because of those eggs.

Only because my quarantine building meet their specs was I given it back...WHEW...

Never again will I get eggs or birds without a 9-3 or certificate of Origin....Then on top of that Goronson had his fiasco.... I have learned my lesson!

I am looking for a few more breeds to hatch next year, but they will come from NPIP and with paper work.....

On a positive note. Judy has told me she does not mind if I build anew building for a hatchery instead of fixing the old. I have to think about it, it is a lot of money to spend on a hobby. BUT I am thinking 24x32 insulated heated with running water a TV and internet, With a incubating room and a hatching/brooding area. (2 rooms)

Sounds really good!

Pennsylvania rules

List for all of the states
I really need to get my breeding pens built so I can pursue my NPIP certification. The only problem I have is I have no heated outbuildings so I really can't incubate anywhere but in the house. Didn't you say that was a rule Ralph or just something they prefer?
They prefer out buildings... BUT because I was already hatching in the basement they grandfathered me in. They worry more about the brooding in the house. BUT I am willing to bet each state and Vet that inspects has their own special "gig" they like to hit you with. Give it a shot, what's the worse that can happen?

If they say "no" you know what you need to do. You do not need to become a tester to get certified, I think the state vets will do it.... I know they helped me test mine. I do not even think breeding pens are needed unless you want to sell individual breeds. I had my crosses and they said nothing about them.

I had a USDA vet do my inspection with 2 state vets. SO I had a pair with an Ace kicker!...

They really wanted to see how I disinfected the eggs, stored the eggs prior to hatch and they checked inside the incubators to make sure they were clean, and that I knew how to sterilize them. They do not want hatching inside the incubators,,,(whoops) I am glad I did not miss the timing when they were here. They asked a whole bunch of questions and basically wanted Biosecurity in place and clean sanitary conditions. They seem to understand Chickens are dirty and poop.

I really liked the vets. they were nice people and real down to earth. They do not like waterfowl. Had I had them, my life would have been much worse.

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