Incubators Anonymous

I moved all the but the newest babies outside!! Only about 20 babies still inside. I have 8 eggs in lockdown and only 2 dozen eggs still brooding. I'm slowing down!!!
I had two batches hatch while BYC was down. 11 chicks from 12 that made it to lockdown (from 14 fertile) the first weekend, and then 4 chicks from 4 in lockdown from 6 fertile hatched on Mother's Day. My next batch due this weekend only has one fertile egg. :( I sat 9 eggs, but those hens must not be mating with my rooster. I can't blame them. He's a huge black Langshan, and he's very clumsy. I can tell which hens do let him mate, because they have shredded up feathers above their tails.

Aurora, how do you find your customers? Do they preorder? I always think it's great that you know in advance that huge groups of chicks will be leaving. It seems like my customers usually appear about the time I am panicking on what to do with all the chicks. (Thankfully they do seem to appear just in time!)
I moved all the but the newest babies outside!! Only about 20 babies still inside. I have 8 eggs in lockdown and only 2 dozen eggs still brooding. I'm slowing down!!!

I'm showing down too. I have about 11 eggs in the hatchet on lockdown and only about 11 left in the cabinet.
Problem is, the girls are NOT slowing down. I have 3 confirmed broodies and a possibly 4th in the chicken coop. My silkie roo is pretending to be broody too. Then Sweet Pea, one of my turkey hens, is trying to go broody now and fighting with Cuddles (turkey) for the eggs. One of the muscovies is making high pitched chirps and hiding eggs.
What am I going to do with these girls?

Aurora, how do you find your customers? Do they preorder? I always think it's great that you know in advance that huge groups of chicks will be leaving. It seems like my customers usually appear about the time I am panicking on what to do with all the chicks. (Thankfully they do seem to appear just in time!)

Some are repeat customers from the year before who've saved my number, others find my ads on, craigslist, and Facebook. There are times where I get in a panic from my overflowing brooders too. I get a lot of preorders for popular breeds, like lavender ameraucanas. This year, I only had to advertise them once and ended up with a waiting list that took 2 months to fulfill. The last customer on that list is due to get theirs next week then I'm keeping whatever left lol.
Alternative low capacity incubator.

I have about 5 of them right now though they're not incubating anything yet. I was hoping they'd give up and go away but they won't lol. My incubators are off for the season...we'll see how long they stay that way lol

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