Incubators Anonymous

I just went in and found the last two blrw chicks dead :hit They were both doing fine last night, and even this morning they were looking good. I left for a few hours and when I came back, one was gone and the other was taking its last breaths.
My sympathies. :hugsThat really stinks! Perhaps you'll be able to find some more blrw eggs.

Hatches here have been OK - but not good. (Normally I get well above 80% but this year only 50-75% are hatching.) Part is due to switching up the flock. I added new blood last summer, and although the beautiful new girls are laying, the young handsome roos are not doing their part. They're 10-11 months now, so hopefully they'll get some technique soon.

To make up for the lower fertility, I've been adding more eggs. Chick numbers are higher than normal!!! :celebrate

....... but that may not have been my best idea. It's A LOT of work. :oops: If DH actually counted, I may end up sleeping in the coop with the chickens. LOL
So last night, with a little help from @Jessimom I won a raffle on one of the Facebook chicken raffle clubs! I'm pretty sure she shared her good raffle luck with me! I now have at least 9 blrw and 6 lavender English orpington eggs coming in the mail next week! Beyond excited! Let's try this again, shall we?
Congratulations on the eggs!
I really hope you get your blrw, but you're going to absolutely LOVE the lav orps.
The lavs are adorable as both chicks & adults. (Many English orps only look good for the 1st week & again as adults. The lavs don't seem to have that harsh adolescent stage.)

I hope you have a great hatch!
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Congratulations on the eggs!
I really hope you get your blrw, but you're going to absolutely LOVE the lav orps.
The lavs are adorable as both chicks & adults. (Many English orps only look good for the 1st week & again as adults. The lavs don't seem to have that harsh adolescent stage.)

I hope you have a great hatch!
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Thank you! I have a brooder fill of orps right now. Mostly chocolate, blue and black but there's 1 lavender in there (and some kind of weird color from the chocolates). The lavender is the sweetest little thing!

I'm terrible. Along with the group of eggs I just won, I looked around on eBay and bought another dozen blrw eggs from someone else :oops: I'm determined to have these. Watch, every single one will hatch and service and I'll be swamped with them lol. Hobby doesn't know about either of these yet :oops: He was nice enough today though to give me a few $ to buy quail hatching eggs at TSC this morning lol. I need to stop setting eggs!
I am waiting for my hatcher to come to temp so I can transfer a few eggs and set some beautiful turkey eggs.... these are from the same source I hatched from in Nov..... so no I do not have a problem everything is under control. If I had more grow out space it would be better but... lol
OK so lock down for the next hatch will be thursday.... so long to wait.
But on a positive note 3 of the turkey eggs from my hen are growing
:fl Sending good hatching vibes your way.

I'll be prepping tomorrow for Fri's hatch. These last few days are the longest. It's my 1st time trying turkey eggs. All 6 looked good when I candled. I also started some of my own chicken eggs a week after the turkeys to have them all hatch at the same time.

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