Incubators Anonymous

I like dux at the city park, not so much in the back yard. I actually considered hatching out duck eggs from craigslist and contributing to the city park duck collection then it dawned on me that I might be causing an environmental issue so I didn't. I would have gotten Mallards though, a breed that can easily revert to the semi wild of a city park.
Everyone has a preference. If not for the one customer I wouldn't keep em. But he is a good, long standing customer, so ? I keep him in eggs
If I lived on a body of water that was suitable for ducks I might get them, I wouldn't do much to tend to them though I would want them to seem as wild as I can get them to seem and still provide food and shelter. I do find them to be beautiful in nature.
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I'm not a fan of dux either. I do like my geese though. I've been trying to downsize my dux. I was actually down to a pair of muscovies and my 2 geese but then my BIL decided to get a couple ducklings for his kids. Guess where they ended up once their dogs tried to eat them..... Yeah, here. It doesn't help that my muscovy is determined to fill the world with more dux. She's sitting on her third clutch this year :rolleyes:
Ok time to tell these crazy broodys that the summer is almost over.... I need eggs not chicks..... if they manage to hatch anything at all
Ok time to tell these crazy broodys that the summer is almost over.... I need eggs not chicks..... if they manage to hatch anything at allView attachment 1869676

Yep, I have a few silkies who are going in to the broody breaker today. I already have a show girl with 4 babies, a silkie that just hatched a few, and a duck with a ducking. I'm not short on eggs, but I don't need more babies!

Speaking of more babies.... My incubator is running again... It has been for almost 2 weeks now :/ I couldn't resist... My son's friend who "works" at the farm that his dad works at found a pea egg in the middle of the yard. The farm owners didn't want it. They said that they're not going to hatch it and that their pair of peafowl are too old to raise a clutch of babies so guess who's incubator it's in? A week later they brought me another one. Apparently, those peafowl aren't too old to make babies though since they're developing.
Ok time to tell these crazy broodys that the summer is almost over.... I need eggs not chicks..... if they manage to hatch anything at allView attachment 1869676
When ever I get a late summer or early fall Broody I make sure to stick some of my meat bird project eggs under them because they feather fast get large fast and provide extra heat for the normal sized chicks. Its annoying when chicks do late summer hatches because they end up raising chicks in cold weather. Last Sept I had a Japanese Bantam go broody so I stuck My Red Rangers eggs under her along with the bantam eggs she sat on. Come November the Mama bird was under the meat birds she hatched with the Bantam chicks under mama bird.
When ever I get a late summer or early fall Broody I make sure to stick some of my meat bird project eggs under them because they feather fast get large fast and provide extra heat for the normal sized chicks. Its annoying when chicks do late summer hatches because they end up raising chicks in cold weather. Last Sept I had a Japanese Bantam go broody so I stuck My Red Rangers eggs under her along with the bantam eggs she sat on. Come November the Mama bird was under the meat birds she hatched with the Bantam chicks under mama bird.
Oooo Stackable chickens! What a great idea!

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