Incubators Anonymous

Yep, I have a few silkies who are going in to the broody breaker today. I already have a show girl with 4 babies, a silkie that just hatched a few, and a duck with a ducking. I'm not short on eggs, but I don't need more babies!

Speaking of more babies.... My incubator is running again... It has been for almost 2 weeks now :/ I couldn't resist... My son's friend who "works" at the farm that his dad works at found a pea egg in the middle of the yard. The farm owners didn't want it. They said that they're not going to hatch it and that their pair of peafowl are too old to raise a clutch of babies so guess who's incubator it's in? A week later they brought me another one. Apparently, those peafowl aren't too old to make babies though since they're developing.
Awesome find on those pea eggs!!!

Cookie is broody for the 2nd time this summer. (Her May 1st hatch led to her raising almost 40 chicks. They were part of DS's science project and most were sold within the 1st week.)

My "last hatch" is due this weekend, so Cookie should easily adopt them. (The joke is that I had only planned to hatch 1-2xs in the spring. Every hatch since has been called, "my last hatch."
They're all broody? Holy moly!
Yeah but that's only one house there are 3 next door, 2 in the next pen and 1 broody Nn..... oh and a broody turkey that should be getting close.... if I could tell the roosters from the hens at hatch I would give everyone of them a couple little cockrels just to get them out of the nest..... lol

oops! I did it again, saved too many eggs and refuse to reject the 22 extra. 64 eggs in total. I will weed them down to 42 eggs after I candle in 10 days
Just what I need - more ideas on how to overload my incubators! I don't have one of those giant cabinet models and assumed I couldn't do more than 40 eggs at once. Never thought of stacking until I candled and removed the duds. And I thought I was just coming on here to tell husband there are people more addicted than I am. Oh, well.
lockdown week 2 of 5 weeks of straight hatching.....
Stacking you mean like this?
yes those are all broody hens.... no they didnt get very many eggs each.
they managed to hatch 5 out of all of them.... these 2 girls got to keep 2 each the only Nn got scalped I found it hiding under the boxes... not sure whitch hen was bad, but the 2 I gave eggs seem to be doing grand.
Broodies I've got. But not that many at once. I've got silkies so somebody is always broody- February thaw through November. Now, late in the season, a specked sussex and a black australorp are setting. But I have to confess I love the incubator and often hatch in the incubator and then give whoever is broody a present. (I've tested shipped eggs both ways and there really doesn't seem to be much of difference for me in hatch rates between broody and incubator). Plus I just love watching them hatch. The current baby batch which I hatched from shipped eggs has 3 mammas co-parenting. I gave them to one broody but the other 2 horned in and insisted on mothering too. Nobody else in the flock even gets to look at them sideways before one mamma or the other is chasing them away from babies. I've done this several times before and they all integrate well as mamas gradually lose interest and they just become part of the flock. I guess I'm done for the year? My husband sure hopes so.

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