Incubators Anonymous

We got 3" of snow & the windchill was already below zero..... but look who decided October was a good time to go broody!
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These chicks are 2+ wks old. I brought the serama mama & her 2 chicks into the basement for a while.

Yep, perfect time to brood! I have a muscovy duck that is broody right now. She only has another week or two left and she's getting excited for her babies. She's been rather aggressive with me lately when I've been checking her eggs. I think she's realized that I don't want more ducks and I typically take away her babies pretty soon after she hatches lol

I had a hen abandon her new chicks this evening at roost time. Guess she thought they'd be fine on the ground by themselves, I mean they are 2 days old, that should be old enough to care for oneself at 20° F, right?! Crappy hen is gonna end up in the freezer when she puts some weight back on. The other mama on the ground has 10, but she won't take these new ones. I don't blame her!
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I have a couple lousy broody girls that I won't allow to have any babies. I have 1 hen that is my resident broody. She hatches about 4 broods a year, at least. She's molting right now but as soon as she's done, I wouldn't be surprised if she plops herself back on a nest.

Does anyone else have girls that insist on co-brooding all the time? I won't allow my turkey hens to raise babies on their own. They haven't proven to be great moms but if a few of them band together, they make amazing mother's! I usually end up with at least one broody bunch a year lol
Yep, perfect time to brood! I have a muscovy duck that is broody right now. She only has another week or two left and she's getting excited for her babies. She's been rather aggressive with me lately when I've been checking her eggs. I think she's realized that I don't want more ducks and I typically take away her babies pretty soon after she hatches lol

I have a couple lousy broody girls that I won't allow to have any babies. I have 1 hen that is my resident broody. She hatches about 4 broods a year, at least. She's molting right now but as soon as she's done, I wouldn't be surprised if she plops herself back on a nest.

Does anyone else have girls that insist on co-brooding all the time? I won't allow my turkey hens to raise babies on their own. They haven't proven to be great moms but if a few of them band together, they make amazing mother's! I usually end up with at least one broody bunch a year lol
During the summer I had 4 bantams sitting all at the same time. 1 of those has 5 babies of her own, actually 6-8 weeks old, they're still with her, under her, roosts with her. I noticed yesterday that she'd adopted a few of the orphans, she had 8 total. It's easy for the chicks to do that because almost all of the chicks are near identical. Black with white, brown or gray barring. As long as they're close in size they can get away with it. I've gotta get a different rooster, I'm tired of black chicks! I have probably 25 or so!
Turkey babies!!

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There's still two eggs in the bator (yes, I'm bad and open the bator to get babies out). One is pipped, the other isn't yet so we'll see if it hatches. Turkey poults always brighten my day :)

:loveI WANT one!!!!!
:loveI NEED one!!!!!


Just agreed to purchase some Turkey eggs from a local gal.... more$ than I thought but close to what I want so I will be hatching sooner than I thought. Will pick up eggs next weekend so babies in 5 weeks or so

If I knew you wanted some, I could've sent you some. I have a pile of them lol
If I knew you wanted some, I could've sent you some. I have a pile of them lol
I need to find somewhere to get some Turkey eggs from as well. I wanted to buy some white poults but there was a minimum of 10, which was over $100. I'd like to just have a couple, literally. Any of y'all know a good place to order a few from?

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