IncuTurn Egg Turner with HovaBator 5800 Genesis to Incubate Chicken eggs


5 Years
May 28, 2014
Montgomery, TX
Okay all, I have a question... I got a brand new Incubator and Turner. I ordered it from Incubator Warehouse through Ebay. The incubator seems to be great. The temperatures seem to hold steady and recover when I need to open it. The humidity also seems to be holding very well as long as I use the #1 or #2 channel and do not add too much water at a time.

The turner, I am not as sure about. The IncuTurn lets the eggs lay on the bottom and rolls them very slowly on their axis. It does not tilt the eggs like most turners. This seemed like a more natural motion to me so I got it. On day 7 of my first incubation with it, it seems that there is a light side and a dark side on the eggs. It is distributed from blunt end to pointy end but it seems to be concentrated on one side. This might be okay because it moves throughout the day or there could be a problem. There were veins and visible movement in 17 out of 22 eggs with the candler.

I am looking to know specifically if anyone has ever used this type of turner and what were the results? Also, does the egg being more concentrated to one side and light on one side indicate definitively that there is a problem?
Congratulations on getting the Genesis. It's a great little incubator. I've got 2 and love them. When I bought the last one that had the new style trays with 4 channels, I set it up and ran it with water in one channel at a time to see what the humidity level would be. Then I did combinations of channels. I made a little cheat sheet with the results. I also listed the relative humidity of the room.

For me, if I want to be in the 35 - 40% range, I fill channel number 4 and cover about half of the tray with foil. I have to add water about every 3 days.

I bought an Incuturn egg turner to use in my cabinet incubator. I ran it for several hours with eggs in to before putting it in the incubator. I marked the eggs so I could see how they turn. I guess you've figured it out by now that it's not a complete 360 degree turn. This is my first set of eggs using it and so far it's working great for me. I went ahead and marked the eggs so I could monitor the turning and it seems to be pretty consistent.

Could the discoloration be the eggs scraping against the turner? When you candle, is the air sac looking normal as compared to photos of eggs incubated vertically?
Congratulations on getting the Genesis. It's a great little incubator. I've got 2 and love them. When I bought the last one that had the new style trays with 4 channels, I set it up and ran it with water in one channel at a time to see what the humidity level would be. Then I did combinations of channels. I made a little cheat sheet with the results. I also listed the relative humidity of the room.

For me, if I want to be in the 35 - 40% range, I fill channel number 4 and cover about half of the tray with foil. I have to add water about every 3 days.

I bought an Incuturn egg turner to use in my cabinet incubator. I ran it for several hours with eggs in to before putting it in the incubator. I marked the eggs so I could see how they turn. I guess you've figured it out by now that it's not a complete 360 degree turn. This is my first set of eggs using it and so far it's working great for me. I went ahead and marked the eggs so I could monitor the turning and it seems to be pretty consistent.

Could the discoloration be the eggs scraping against the turner? When you candle, is the air sac looking normal as compared to photos of eggs incubated vertically?

I do like this incubator. The monitoring equipment built in is great.

They're not discolored on the shell. It was dark like I was used to seeing in the bottom (pointy end) of the eggs that I have done in the tilt style turner. The egg sac did seem normal but it was a little difficult to see in some because of the nearly clear side. It just seems to be settled on one side but I don't know if that rotates around or is fixed. I didn't want to handle the eggs too much since I could see development and movement inside.
Mark one side of the eggs and see if the discoloration moves as the eggs rotate. Could it be the developing chick inside?
I'll be candling this weekend. I'll let you know what I see on mine.
Yes, definitely the chick and yolk.... The thing that I thought was odd was that it was all to one side but I guess that is not too strange. In a tilt style incubator, the chick and yolk bunch at the bottom and it is okay so I guess that is all that is happening except that it is on the side because the eggs are laying flat. I have been monitoring the eggs and they are rotating. There are markings on most of the eggs to show what type of egg they are. This is sometimes at the top and sometimes at the bottom as it is supposed to be. I am probably just anxious and so it looks like something is weird that likely isn't.
I just candled mine, day 8, and some of them looked like you described. But I could only see it while candling. I've got all brown or blue eggs, so, it's kinda hard to see much of anything.
If it is mimicking hand turning and they are laying on their side, I would expect to see what you are describing. I stopped using automatic turners and started hand turning after my first couple hatches a couple years ago. First time I candled I nearly freaked out cause it looked so different. The side that was facing up when you candle will show the growth and the veining seems to fade away down the side. When you turn it over, you see clear, sometimes yellowish color. It will appear that the growth is on one side. You'll also get a darkness that goes around the egg. But when you turn the egg and it sits the other way, you will find that again the growth appears on the top side of the egg and the back is clear. I find it fascinating, but it is normal. Around day 10 you will start to see more veining all the way around the egg regardless of which side is up and by day 14 it won't look any different than a verticle turned 14 day egg.
If it is mimicking hand turning and they are laying on their side, I would expect to see what you are describing. I stopped using automatic turners and started hand turning after my first couple hatches a couple years ago. First time I candled I nearly freaked out cause it looked so different. The side that was facing up when you candle will show the growth and the veining seems to fade away down the side. When you turn it over, you see clear, sometimes yellowish color. It will appear that the growth is on one side. You'll also get a darkness that goes around the egg. But when you turn the egg and it sits the other way, you will find that again the growth appears on the top side of the egg and the back is clear. I find it fascinating, but it is normal. Around day 10 you will start to see more veining all the way around the egg regardless of which side is up and by day 14 it won't look any different than a verticle turned 14 day egg.

That's what I was hoping. I like the natural movement but it challenged my nerve to see something I didn't expect. If makes total sense but I wanted some assurance That everything is alright.
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I just got my Hova Bator with Incu Turn Turner and the Humidikt as well.

The Incuturn and the Humidkit are not working. Did your IncuTurn worked right away or did you have to wait while. Also is it suppose to be set in a different way. I'm trying to figure out why it isn't it turning before I send it back.

Thank you
It turns really slow. If I remember right, it's one revolution in 4 hours. Hook it up, put a piece of tape under it so you can mark it's location and then let it run and check it in an hour or so.

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