Indian runner duckling 1.5w/old is making a different sound/noise?.. like a small horn. Normal??


Sep 25, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Hi there experts! Need your opinions and advice! My duckling of 1.5weeks old (Indian runner duck) is making a small-like sound of a horn? The other two ducklings are still peeping they’re usual chirps but my black duckling started doing this noise maybe two dats ago? At first it sounded muffled and wasn’t as often but now it seems it’s whenever he’s vocal or wants to chirp that it sounds like a small horn. I know females when adults sound like horns right? Not sure if maybe my duckling is displaying signs at such an early age that it’s a female?
That is probably a female that it maturing fast! Super fast actualy. Are you sure theyre only 1.5 weeks?

I love that transition period. Peep peep HONK.

Hopefully thats all it is... of course pictures and videos will tell us!
That is probably a female that it maturing fast! Super fast actualy. Are you sure theyre only 1.5 weeks?

I love that transition period. Peep peep HONK.

Hopefully thats all it is... of course pictures and videos will tell us!
Would love to see a video :pop
Thankyou for your quick responses! I will try and get a video of it today if possible! I incubated them and the black one hatched Sunday October 21st at 10pm after 36h of back and forth wiggling and pipping in his egg. His two brothers hatched the following day on Monday around noon. So they aren’t far apart in age but yeah he’s 10 days old today! And he’s been making that noise for two days now but very mildly. Today when I took him out of brooder and he was cuddling with me I noticed it more so I just wanted to make sure he/she is okay! I’m a paranoid duck mama hahaha!
Wow it really does sound like the beginnings of a girl voice! That is shocking b/c she's so young! Watch out for that one - she's going to be a fast maturer! LOL Seriously - I don't hear anything that sounds bad - and as long as she's eat, pooping, preening, etc just fine, I wouldn't worry too much. Would be good for others to weigh in too though b/c I'm on my first year of ducks and by no means an expert!
Wow it really does sound like the beginnings of a girl voice! That is shocking b/c she's so young! Watch out for that one - she's going to be a fast maturer! LOL Seriously - I don't hear anything that sounds bad - and as long as she's eat, pooping, preening, etc just fine, I wouldn't worry too much. Would be good for others to weigh in too though b/c I'm on my first year of ducks and by no means an expert!
Ahhhhh she’s a girl!!!! Awwww that’s so sweet, well by the looks of it of course! Yeah she took 36 hours to pip and zip out of her egg! While the others were a fast hatch! I’ll watch out for her, she’s preening, eating, drinking soooo much, and pooping all over the place hahaha! This was my first time incubating and I merely did it for my daycare kids and I’m more attached to them than the kids are!! But today is Halloween and one of my kiddies dressed up as a chicken so of course I took a bunch of pics of the ducklings with the mama chick over here!!
Such a cute pic!!!! I love it! So will you be keeping the babies after they leave the daycare? Sounds like you're attached!! ;) At some point pretty soon you'll want to upgrade their water dish to one that is deep enough for them to get their full bills into - they will need to clear their nostrils. A lot of BYC members use a cool whip (or other) container - cut a hole in the lid big enough for them to get their heads in but not their bodies. Will keep them from drowning and keep the mess down. Are they swimming yet?
Such a cute pic!!!! I love it! So will you be keeping the babies after they leave the daycare? Sounds like you're attached!! ;) At some point pretty soon you'll want to upgrade their water dish to one that is deep enough for them to get their full bills into - they will need to clear their nostrils. A lot of BYC members use a cool whip (or other) container - cut a hole in the lid big enough for them to get their heads in but not their bodies. Will keep them from drowning and keep the mess down. Are they swimming yet?
Well I do the daycare out of my home so I’m with the ducklings constantly no matter when the kids leave. Okay, when do you think I should upgrade their water dish? Maybe in the next couple days? They’re drinking and splashing the water a lot which is why I put the cooling rack under to keep the mess away. Instead of using a cool whip contained and cutting a whole on the top lid can’t I just use a regular dish of ours, like a bowl? Or is cutting the hole like you mentioned to prevent them from going inside it? Maybe I can put in a ramekin or something? And yes they are swimming. I take them to our bathtub or shower everyday for about half hour. They’re so cute when they swim but sneeze a lot as well. I know they’re clearing their nostrils which is fine. Also, I’m finding they don’t want the heat warmer anymore. I got a ceramic reptile bulb that produces heat but no lighting and they don’t seem to need the heat anymore. I have them out of their brooder the majority of their day and only bring them in the brooder to eat and sleep. I’m also thinking about duck diapers. Any thoughts on that?

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