Indian Runners

Wow, they look just like their mom and dad! Cute, cute cute!
thanks! It is really getting hard to tell them apart
. The young girls are REALLY noisy
well so far I can tell. Patrick is still the tallest and the back of his head is a little different in feather coloring. Penelope I can still tell as well because of her bill color. Now when the other girls start laying I don't know if I'll still be able to tell. I named one of the girls Penguin. She talks all the time and sounds a lot like Penguin from Batman
well so far I can tell. Patrick is still the tallest and the back of his head is a little different in feather coloring. Penelope I can still tell as well because of her bill color. Now when the other girls start laying I don't know if I'll still be able to tell. I named one of the girls Penguin. She talks all the time and sounds a lot like Penguin from Batman
Might better put some kind of marking on them before the girls start to lay, like maybe a tee shirt with their name printed on them.

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