Indiana Newbie


Sep 14, 2015
Farmersburg, Indiana
Hello, New to backyard chickens. Located in Indiana. Coop and run completed and about to buy our first hens. Looking at Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds or Golden Comets. Any suggestions on these 3? Anyway I am really excited to get my flock started and cannot wait to finalize everything. I have read several posts on here and have found tons of information. Very nice to have a place to visit to get answers for all of my questions!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! How exciting for you to be getting your chicken adventures started :celebrate I'm more than sure you will enjoy this new journey very much. I've not keep those breeds myself but have read good things about them all. Have you checked out the breeds section? Lots if reviews to read on them there. Here is the link ~

Wishing you the very best if luck getting started. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyone here to hell and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Welcome to Backyard chickens
. Have you visited the Learning Center? It should answer many of your questions.

All 3 of the breeds you mentioned are good egg layers...maybe you'd like to have a mixed flock and get some of each breed. That's a fun way of seeing the differences in breeds and a mixed flock is so pretty.

If you would like to meet other members from Indiana, you can find them here:
They can give you ideas on where to locate birds in your area, how to handle weather issues, swap meets, etc.

Thanks for joining us!

Our first egg! Less than 24 hours after getting them. We went with Barred Rocks, and needless to say we are super excited! Do not know if the picture is embedded correctly but it was a great first experience.
I see your picture just fine and that is one lovely first egg! Congrats!
I have 12 hens. Got them a day old on april 1st.4 Rhode islands,4 Issa browns,4 easter eggers. They are a joy. I dont regret the time n money. I feed them organically n couldn't be happier with high quality eggs n healthy hens. Can't figure out how to add pictures ??
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