Inducing broodiness


8 Years
Aug 23, 2011
Portland OR
Is there a way? I would like to order some eggs next year and wanted to have one of my hens brood them. Is there a way to do this if none of my hens are broody?
Your best bet would be to raise a breed that is known for going broody. My cochins do it ALL the time... of course it sucks because I don't need them to incubate eggs for me, and they're not laying at all during that time!
Some breeds are noted for going broody. What breeds do you have?

Last year, my old chicken tractor had a community nest. I had 7 broody hens for the year The chickens moved into a regular shed style coop last fall. I used rubbermaid totes on the floor for nest boxes. I have been having non-stop broodies since late winter. Quite a few of them have been broody 3-4 times. I currently have 3 broodies sitting on golf balls -- a Jersey Giant who is on her 4th time this year, a Barred Holland for her 1st for the year -- but was broody last year, and an Amerucauna for her 1st time ever. A leghorn x Austalorp is still with her chicks that she brooded. The same JG as above and a leghorn x EE were the other incubating hens for that batch. I don't have enough room to let every broody raise chicks.

It helps to have breeds that will go broody easily. A good nesting set up is somewhat important and I find that leaving a large number of eggs in the nest encourages hens to become broody.

Leaving eggs in the egg boxes, whether real or fake may encourage them, but , as broodiness relates to a hormonal change, it cannot be guaranteed.

I keep Brahmas and they are also a very broody lot. I have broodies for about 8 months of the year.

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