Infected feather


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
We adopted a turkey from Happy Trails in Ohio. We love her and plan to keep her for a pet. She has been acting a little strange lately and I found that she is moulting. So, today I was inspecting her and I found this really nasty pussy area in her tail feathers. Then I found a big swollen area and from that pore a lot of almost ear wax color and texture was coming from it. I have a video of it, but I cannot seem to post a video. So can someone please try to help me out. I don't want her to have an infection and die. She is so sweet.
If she were mine, I'd treat it much like I'd treat an infected hair follicle in a human. Soak it for a few minutes with warm compresses if she will let you. Squeeze out the junk if you can, without stressing her too much. Put Neosporin ointment on the area, or some other antiseptic or antibiotic preparation. Just be sure it doesn't have a "caine" drug, like cetacaine, benzocaine, etc.

I've never owned a turkey, but I doubt it would be much different from a chicken.

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