
In the Brooder
Dec 15, 2020
Hi all,

Thanks in advance for the help! I have a 5 year old red bourbon Tom who recently has a pimple looking growth on his snood. He has gotten it once before but it went away on its own relatively quickly. This time it has not gone away. Anyone have any recommendations? It looks like an infection but it is hard and won’t “pop”. And it definitely hurts him when I touch it. Thanks!


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Hi all,

So my turkey had this “pimple” on his snood last year and after some time I actually “popped” it a lot of white puss came out but then it quickly returned to normal. This year he has had the same “pimple” come up again. I believe it’s caused by himself while eating. He tends to peck his loose snood heavily while eating. It is not yet poppable and smaller than last year. What should I do? Does anyone recommend a topical ointment or any ideas on how to prevent this or treat this? Thank you!

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