Informal Survey - What do you feed and why?

Amen to that !!!

Topic is Poll: What do you feed and why. The topic is not to argue with a poster over whether the poster's feed regimen is right or wrong.
This is a really good thread. But it's not What do you feed and why you are wrong .

So does that mean it's called...So what do you feed and why I am right...LOL !!! ??? I'm so confused as to why people are having such a hard time with this. Would somebody just come and take the 'why' off the end of the question and make it simply 'Informal Survey - What do you feed...(PERIOD)? If people can't handle other people's opinions on why they feed what they feed, then someone ought to come along and just 'edit' that 'why' right out of there before there's a riot or something. It can be done you know. I've seen it with my own two eyes !!!

-kim-aka 'the chicken's outlaw, Jose Wales'
Although I've only had chickens 6 months, I've had horses, dogs and cats for all of my adult life and childhood. I was also a small animal vet tech until I became a stay at home mom. So when it came time to choose what to feed my chickens, I read up on their needs and drew upon my experience with different brands to try to make good choices for their health and stay within a sensible budget. So that's the "why" part, here's the "what":
As chicks, I fed Nutrena Nature Wise non medicated crumble. It's an 18% soy-based protein NOT exactly what I wanted- I prefer to include animal protein but I could not find a starter/ grower that wasn't vegetarian in my area. They got free-choice chick grit from 3 weeks on and an occasional scrambled egg as a treat. At 20 weeks, I intruduced a layer mini pellet from Buckley Brothers called OptiLay which is 18% protein (both animal and soy protein). I also offer free-choice oyster shell and grit. My gals have a fully enclosed run and so they are also eating bugs, worms, etc. I do not offer scratch. The only treats they get are BOSS once a week. I have offered soaked alfalfa pellets in the winter and plan to give them short grass clippings once mowing season starts here. I should also mention that my birds are BIG girls lol. They are noticeably larger compared to their brothers and sisters where I got them as chicks. It sure made a believer out of the farmer I got them from that my feed was doing something his was not. While I think the Nutrena was a good feed, I would like to see a non-vegetarian starter / grower option.
I feed a mix of Layer Pellets, scratch and BOSS. During the summer months I ferment. I don't in the winter cuz it's too wet here on the Oregon coast. I also have crushed oyster shell available for whenever. I used to free range my birds, but the neighbors started complaining about the chicken poo on their porches (imagine that!) so I built a run for the birds and as soon as I can get a fence up then they'll be back out and about.
Wheat free choice all day to fill them up.
Southern State tradition laying feed 16% free choice from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm: to make them to eat just what they need since they are full by that time.
Clover: about 5 gallon bucket per day since clover is high in protein. When clover is gone, I plan to feed them duckweed or sweet potato leaves, which are also high in protein.

They also have access to a 3000 square feet wooded area all day long.
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Over the 5 years I have raised chickens I have settled on Texas Natural GMO free pelleted 18% protein feed that I have started feeding fermented. Scratch daily in the AM made from wheat, milo and BOSS. I also toss about 3 C into the fermenting feed. They also get "treat" daily in the evening based on fruit waste from a local fruit arrangement vendor to which I add leftovers, canned corn or green beans and either black beans or black eyed peas and of course the most favored thing, bread. I attempt to grow sweet potatoes, squash, melons, milo, sun flowers and millet to use as a real food supplement. I am using cover crops that can serve this purpose in my soil remediation work also. In the short time I have been raising chickens feed prices have doubled at least.
I sell my eggs as fast as the girls lay them and have had numerous calls about the quality and flavor. (Folks just are amazed at the difference from store eggs)
Why: I avoid GMO foods personally and don't think it wise to feed the chickens foods that may affect fertility, I attempt to grow as much supplemental as possible, though gardening in north central TX seems like gardening in Hell. Looks like this year I will have lots of sweet potatoes for winter use, and will try to grown squashes and other hot weather stuff since it is still nearly 5 months until first frost. Why I bother fermenting their feed is to save money. Since it is a new thing, I can only say with fermented feed, they are not spreading it all over the back porch to bait grasshoppers. Never thought the girls were that subtle (or lazy) until this summer-must be the New Hampshire reds.

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