Information please


Jul 15, 2018
My hen has been sitting on guinea eggs for 23 days. I had to put numbers on the eggs as other guineas and chickens would take advantage of poor Ms. Liz and lay eggs in her nest. We are within 10 days of hatching. Since ms. Liz is a gorgeous black Australian chicken should I just let the eggs hatch? Will the Guineas or other chicken hurt the babies? Need help. Also can I handle them right after the hatch? Thank you
Sounds exciting! I always move my hen and the eggs she's sitting on to a brooder box or smaller cage so she can be by herself. I do this so none of the chicks will be bothered by the other birds in the coop. Good luck!
It's very dependant on your flock and your broody hen. I used to separate my hen with her chicks after she hatched them but I don't anymore. The broody hens protect the babies while introducing them to the flock. It makes introductions a breeze! My flock as seen so many chicks at this point they seem unfazed by newcomers. I think they're desensitized. lol
I have 3-week-old chicks that are still with their mom out there and several ages of chicks 6-weeks to 4-years-old that free range together.

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