Injuered 10 week old chick


In the Brooder
Jan 6, 2016
I have the sweetest 10 week old Lavender Ameraucana hick that I hatched from eggs under my broody hen. Unfortunately she is severely cross beaked. I hatched 3 and the other 2 are fine.

I have been feeding her wet mash and she seems to be thriving. She is so lovable and follows us into the house when she is hungry. She even jumps up to our arm or shoulder to tell us it is time. Loves to jump on the counter to get butter. A real sweetheart.

In reading yesterday about how to treat and care for her many people said to clip the top beak. So I did. I just tipped about 1/16 inch off and it bled. We had to use septic pencil to stop. When I put her back in the brooder coop and checked her in an hour she was cuddled in a corner. Another chick was standing over her not seemingly to be doing anything but when I took her out she was bleeding. She had been pecked above her left wing. I put her in a box for the night in my bathroom. I put bacitracin on her and will try to find Blue Kote today. Any suggestions? Should I put her on antibiotics?

So sad and so sorry

Unless the wound is extensive, I don't think that she needs antibiotics. Chickens always target those who appear 'down'. Chicken society can be quite cruel.
Thank you I bought some Blu Kote today and will give her a bath to wash off dried blood.

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