
Jul 26, 2018
British Columbia
Hi, I am so new to this, I do not even technical own chickens I am just caring for an injured one and her buddy. Roxie is a few weeks old ((I think)) and she/he ((too young to tell yet I am told)) was grabbed by my Dad's dog Cera ((Who was raised around chickens and protects them all very well and even herds them into the coup at night. She chased and killed one previously which I found out later, I was just there for a visit when she chased Roxie into a bush and bite her, and I had no clue why. Cera has not gone after the others since and I am still confused on why as they are all free range other then at night they usually go into the coup but sometimes they decide not to and are left out. )) Back to Roxie she was grabbed on the 24th and has so far been doing well, she will see a vet tomorrow to see if she needs oral or injectable antibiotics. I am worried about infection, no real signs that I can tell. She seemed worse on the first day but she did drink and eat a bit and when she pooped on me several times and I saw no signs of blood almost cried with happiness. Her wound is on her leg but was not sure if she was hurt inside, but her nice normal poop and eating and drinking help me feel a bit better. I cleaned the wound as well as she would let me, she was pretty sassy thus the name Roxie. They live out of town so getting in can be hard I got in today and brought her and Bobby ((her brood mate with me, she was really seeming loenly the first night. She would fall asleep then wake up and chirp till I got into sight and talked to her so the next day I brought in Bobby to keep her company and watched them all day to make sure no pecking happened, she also started eating more and drinking more once Bobby came in and was doing it, she also perked up a lot too when Bobby came in. I also check almost every hour though the night too. They were good so Bobby got to come with us to town.)) Went to the vet and got Hibitine for washing today and an appointment for tomorrow. Roxie's wound is a puncture to her thigh and an open gash on the hinge of the left leg. Tendon is visible but no signs of broken bone, she will use it but prefers to keep it up. To has some bruising lower down but is still nice and warm. They are currently in a pet cage as that is what I had and in the bathroom to stay away from the other pets in the house now that I am in town. ((When I was out of town they were in a cardboard box as that was all there was out there that was available. Which was on the bed beside me so I could easily check on them and keep Cera away from them.)) I put paper down and in a corner a peice of blanket ((Roxie seemed to have an eaiser time on something soft instead of hard as she could lean her weight to one side a bit without tipping over.)) They have food and water with them, water has been changed every few hour as they keep getting it full of food or poop ((Bobby likes to purch on edges or fingers. There is a little purch in the cage for them.)) The dishes are low sided so Roxie could eat or drink laying down if she wanted though she likes to stand and has great balance even just on one leg. I know I am seeing the vet tomorrow but now that I am in town with good WiFi and can ask questions or get suggestions I want to as I am worrying like crazy. So any suggestions would be great. Cleaned her with the Hibitane once we got it today, it cleaned her up a lot better then when I did not have it. Wondering about if there is anything to help her be more comfortable or help with pain. ((They both seem to love being pet and held, they start making a sort of purring noise.)) Also anything else you can think of that I should know. Thank you in advanced. I hope everyone is have a better week then me. Picture - Roxie is the lighter one in my hand, she seems to like sitting in a cupped hand and Bobby is the darker one on my leg. Again any help and suggestions are very welcome and appreciated. Have a wonderful day.


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Thanks I am happy to be on the right track. I love all the animals I meet, and Roxie may end up mine in the end depending on the town regulations, I do not want to see her become dinner if she turns out to be a he. I will keep everyone updated. Thank you for the encouragement.
chickens are surprisingly tough little creatures. A few months ago My fave hen Phoebe got attacked by an opossum. Ripped a hole in her neck about 4 in long. We healed her with Agrimycin in her water, nest rest in the house, and super glue (for the wound) Now she is right as rain. Another hen of mine got attacked by a dog we where watching last summer. Bit her right on the back, feathers flying, then she couldn't walk. I was sure she was paralyzed. Well after about a week of nest rest she started walking and after about a month she was all better. Infact right now she is my only broody hen. Maybe her brush with death makes her want to be a mother. Good luck with your baby.
Update on Roxie. Her wound looks a lot better then yesterday and she was actually using her injured leg to walk a little. We saw the vet today and she said Roxie was healing well, she will have to stay inside for a week but then she can be reintegrated back into the brood. She has some pain stuff today and gets more in 48 hours, she seems a bit stoned. She also has super E, 2.5grams to 4L water and use that for drinking instead of plain water. Vet also said to use polysporine 2-3 times a day to keep the wound moist instead of dry, and to wash with Hibitane 1-2 times a day. Vet said they are still too young to know if they will be hens or roosters. I am feeling a bit better then I was yesterday as the vet said Roxie was doing well and I was doing the right things to help her.


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Hi, another update. Roxie is doing well walking around good but now Bobby has a problem he/she has worms!! I panicked a bit and went to the vet. She is a bit worried about how young they are to get dewormer so she is making them a special lower dose to try. Fingers crossed it works and does not harm my chicks. It definitely looks like I will actually be keeping them as pets I am very attached and they seem to like me too, at least Roxie does. They moved into a large dog crate today so they have more room they look so tiny in it. Their coup is being made and will arrive in a few weeks. They both seem pretty alert and oriented so hopefully we caught the worm issue in time. I am still a worried mama.


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NewHi, I am wondering about chicken tapeworms passing to people or other animals. I know I am good about washing my hands and everything but where these two are from I am not sure how well the kids do and there is also a bunny free ranging in the same yard as well as a cat and dog. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated

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